Quincey Everarde

  Quincy Everarde—Quincy is a lifelong soldier, but he lost his right arm in battle. His nickname, “Iron Hand” refers to the advanced prosthetic hand he wears. He was born in 1190, and he’s now 45 years old. He is the Count of Eldruth, the Captain of Herlack Castle, Lord Chief Huntsman of Gwyfned, and the Lord Warden of the East. Most importantly, Quincy is one of the Lords Ordainers, the small group that now runs Gwyfned and the empire. His battlefield experience and keen mind make him a formidable soldier in war. Prior to losing his arm, he was a feared fighter who never lost a duel, but his lost limb limits his current skill to highly competent. He has made up for this by becoming much more canny and honing his observational skills, and he is known to have won some battles without ever striking a blow. Quincy is a patriot, and he believes the royal family has wandered far from grace, and it’s the job of all true national loyalists to take charge and put Gwyfned first once again. He is hard-hearted, absolutely uncompromising, and a true believer. His companions in the Lords Ordainers are Madeline Grayton and Eugeneous Falk. Quincy is a hulking 6’4”, with a heavy, well-padded frame. His facial features are pronounced, and his nose is quite proud (but pocked). He has raven hair that he wears swept back, and a mustache/goatee. He has dark brown, almost black eyes. He has a looming presence. Quincy’s prosthetic hand and arm aren’t magic, but it is a masterwork Auldic automation. It’s not intended for combat, as nothing could replace the dexterity of his lost arm, but with its multiple buttons, switches, and levels it may perform any low-motor skill activities. Quincy was right-handed, and he’s had to train his left hand to be his primary. Quincy keeps an Auldic artificer on hand in case his arm needs repair.


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