
Dog Town, Barley Town

Encapsulated by farming lands and rural pursuits, Rumwall is devoted to the agricultural year. Sometimes called Dog Town or Barly Town, it exemplifies the rich, bucolic peasant culture of Hempton, with its yearly traditions, beliefs, and festivals. It sits in the Palatine Duchy of Hempton, in the County of Borrsford, and it is connected by secondary roads to Essien-on-the-Djal to the northeast; Aldford to the southeast; and Holdwall to the southwest.
The town is configured like a standard plains market town, although it has twice expanded its walls because of prosperity and growth. This settlement is noteworthy for its many private kennels for breeding and training world-class greyhounds; the natives’ passion for competitive wrestling; and a local lead mine that earns much of Rumwall’s financial power. Rumwall’s crest is an enfield on a field, gules teschuere, or. Folklore places the mythological figure of Barley Tom as a native, and the locals view him more as a folk hero than a terrifying villain.


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