
Lake Town, the Yodeling Capital of Allyn

Sometimes called Lake Town, or the Yodeling Capital of Allyn, Rysson is built on the north shore of Leonnar Taern (and out over the lake) in the Vale of Upper Aendril. The pure, and the mountain Taern’s waters are beautiful, the mountain vistas around the town are romantic, making for one of the most beautiful spots in Aorlis. The hot, mineral springs and clear mountain air here are said to have curative powers. This town is in the Palatine County of Norald, the Kingdom of Allyn, the High Kingdom of Myddum, and it is connected due north to Skygate City by both the Whiteslip River and a secondary road; due south to Widewater Town by the Whiteslip River and a secondary road;.
to Annanburr to the far east by southwest by secondary roads and mountain passes; and distantly due west to St. Rath’s City on a secondary road. Rysson natives look fit and happy, and seasonal ice skating and sledding are popular here. The town’s crest is three gears, or, on a pale field, argent and murray. The lake marina is well developed, with docks for all the fishing boats and cargo vessels that make their home ports here. Yodeling is often heard drifting down from the heights.


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