
Old Fastness, the Vertical City

Called the Old Fastness, or the Vertical City, Skygate is a landlocked mountain city in the Palatine county of Norald, the Kingdom of Allyn, in the High Kingdom of Myddum. It stands in the more forbidding Upper Aendril Mountains, at the Rysson River Valley’s north end, near the source of the Whiteslip River. Despite its relative seclusion, Skygate is connected by secondary roads to Rysson to the south, Allbron to the north, and more distantly to Moranwynn to the northeast, and Imraldun to the southeast, as well as Nillston in Eofwin to the west by northwest by secondary roads and mountain roads.
Much like their fellow countrymen, the people of Skygate are stubborn and independent, but with an artisan’s eye and a penchant for yodeling. Local industry mixes cheese, luthery, moldings and fine furniture, and precision engineering. Skygate’s crest is an owl with antlers on an argent field with vert and ermine. The city was built near-vertically against the steep sides of Mount Skeigh, rising in three successive levels, to a palace at the peak. The air is more rarified and very clear up here. Skygate’s patron saint is Tarrin the Loyal.
Skygate Crest by Scott A. Story


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