
Ol’ Kirkdom

Called Ol’ Kirkdom, Suthchester is built on an Iron Age site, and it was founded more recently as a Karmithian Castra in -541. Since 989, this town is the Grand Prior of the Perigritian order of Militant Monks; there presence os all pervasive, and they have contributed to keeping the city's defenses modernized and repaired. This coastal city is built on a high, rocky escarpment above steep, chalk cliffs, and it overlooks a well-shielded bay on the coast of the Sea of Arlin. Suthchester is in the County of Suthchester, the Palatine Dutchy of Hempton, in the Kingdom of the Rhonce. The Karmithian Castra’s old walls are still present and maintained, although the city has exceeded them and has swelled to triple that size, and a modern wall has enclosed it. More than half the streets are paved. It is connected to Kaidlorr to the West by Southwest by Marling Street, Idorn to the East by Marling Street, and by secondary road to Lynburr to the North by Northeast. The old families here have a macabre reputation, but they are friendly and congenial none-the-less. Besides its fishing industry, Suthchester produces exquisite ceramic goods, and its delicate, wondrously glazed vessels are exported widely.
There is also a thriving trade in old books and scrolls here. Suthchester’s crest is a Harrington knot on a field of or. During the day the city presents a facade of quaint charm, but the city has a reputation for weirdness, ghosts haunt it, and vampires frequent it. There are many legends here of dead necromancers, and Suthchester’s religious festivals focus of saintly relics and the vivisected anatomy from well-known legendary or public figures of the past. Many wizards, occultists, and alchemists keep homes here, or choose Suthchester to retire. The cathedral is magnificent, with many saints’ relics, and it sports the largest stained glass windows in Aorlis, all crafted in Eofwin. The bishop’s throne purposely is one inch higher than the Patriarch’s throne in Kaidlorr, and the city’s patron saints are Gradle the Steadfast and Kurtis the Prismatic.
Suthchester Crest by Scott A. Story


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