Thalium Military

Force Projection

Thalium possesses a standard military training regime, as well as the Thallic Jousting martial art (which focuses on impact) and Thallic Brawling. This is a martial country. Thalium still relies on the old feudal levy system for war, and her nobles are still its military commanders. They have updated the system, however, by imposing high standards on its troops, arming, and training them far better than similar armies in other countries. Nobles can’t avoid military service by paying scutage, but they can appoint fully qualified liege men to stand in for them if needed.


Mounted Thallic troops prefer the lance, but they are also known to wield the war scepter, foissart, bastard sword, crossbow, beck-de-corbin, military fork, man-catcher, bar mace (the Thallic Manker), and misericorde. The “Thallic war scepter” is a local nickname for the traditional bronze-headed mace, while the “Thallic Manker” is a not-as-well-known bar mace, and it is wielded by Thallic knights and nobles as a weapon in its own right, or as an effective left-handed parrying mace.  


As armor goes, Thallic levies are well kitted out, wearing padded gambesons, maille, steel greaves, bracers and heater shields. Kettle helmets, maille and padded coifs are the standard headwear. High status troops are more likely to wear padded gambesons, maille body armor, steel or splinted bracers and greaves, coats of plate, and surcoats. For head protection, they wear padded coifs, under maille coifs, basinets and great helms. Heater shields are the native standard. The horses of high status fighters are heavily armored with maille, scale and plate reinforcement.  

The Cheveche

Thallic troops are grim and relentless, and they rely heavily on the cheveche. They have a low regard for commoners’ lives, or anyone that stumbles into the path of their charge. The savage Thallic destriers make these mounted men-at-arms particularly feared and inexorable. The Thallic military has a standard military hierarchy with an earl marshal for the country; a marshal for each army; a captain for each unit; and assorted lieutenants for internal divisions.  


Thallium can field an army of 24,000 to 28,000 troops, and its heavy cavalry lancers make up about 15% of the force, with an additional 20% light cavalry lancers supporting them. Light crossbowmen are about 15% of the force, and they often ride to battle but then fight on foot. 25% of the army is light infantry with bec-de-corbins, and 25% light infantry with military forks.


Thalium brings along +10% pioneers, +15% siege engineers, and +5% scouts. It also can field +30 to 40 war wagons, with 5 heavy soldiers armed with long flails, 5 heavy crossbowmen, and 5 heavy artillery-men (with their ballistas) per wagon. Thalium is a land of knighthood, and when needed they can bring 12 Chalice Knights, 7 Three Star Knights, and a contingent of 800 to 1200 Mystonian Knights which the order makes available for the king’s use.  


The country’s standing navy is 12 to 20 fortified cogs, each with a crew of 80 and 1,000 marines, and their home ports are Taeglos City and Myston Town.  


Thallic commanders are known for their battle sense, or ability to smell an upcoming conflict or action already underway outside normal sensory range. They are also infamous for holding grudges, and they do not take losing easily. Not that they are poor sportsmen, but that they will fight on long after others would have surrendered.  

Siege Warfare

Thallians are masters of siege warfare, with some of the best siege engineers in Aorlis. They have the full array of offensive and defensive equipment. They usually employ about +15% siege engineers, +15% pioneers, and +10% scouts. Thallium is not in the habit of hiring mercenaries.  

Thallic Destrier

These mean-spirited, blood-thirsty beasts are trained killers, and they are inured to the smell of blood or fire. The legendary sire of the destriers of Thalium is Oaklimb. This frightening beast stand 15-19 hands tall, with a ponderous frame, muscular build, massive barrel chest, legs as thick as tree trunks, and an arched neck. It has a broad, flat forehead, rectangular eyes that gleam with a fierce red light, and small, vertical ears. They are black, gray, chestnut, bay, roan or sorrel. These horses are born black and turn gray as they mature. and they have lush manes, tails and leg featherings. They are not fast, as horses go, but their momentum is impressive, and because of their bone-jarring gate they are not suitable for long-range traveling. Their great strength makes them ideal for heavy cavalry, and they command more money than any other destrier.


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