Thalium Places of Interest

Alloris Maze

in Halridge, Chevrial, Thallium—This is an ancient landscape maze of unknown origin. Folklore associated with it, claims that anyone so foolish as to follow the maze will be transported a century back or forward. Many walkers have proven this wrong, with nothing happening, but no one knows the key to make it function.  


In the Aedon hills in Norchester, Thallium, there is said to be an extensive Faerie mound, this one built by dwarves. It is quiet now, because the dwarves summoned something they should not have, and the inhabitants locked themselves inside their mound to save the world from their mistake.  

Cradle of the Moon

In Norchester, Thallium, in the Aedon Hills, there is a small valley associated with witches and the Sabbath. Most people will not go there, even during the day. Even poachers avoid it. This place has a pervasive, oppressive energy for interlopers. Locals believe that witches, or at least their ghosts, still haunt the hollows and caves here.  

Mirror of Souls

In Blacktor, Thalium, in a mystic well hidden by hazel trees, there is a pair of salmon of knowledge (see Bestiary). These black salmon may talk, and they will offer oracular advice to anyone that makes a sacrifice to them. This site earned the name “mirror of souls” because of the very specific information offered to anyone who stares into their waters.  

Plain of Broken Spurs

Found on the plains of Bitturn, Thalium, this is a battlefield where Torenth suffered a military setback against Creosis of Allevil’s force. This battle was so long and intense that its violence and hopelessness still resonates to this day. Bone and corroded weapons rise to the ground’s surface with every new year. For those who walk this field, the sound of the wind will be overlayed with distant death cries, the clash of steel, charging horses, moans and battle cries. Sometimes ghost armies of Karmithian era troops are witnessed marching, fighting, and dying. At the field’s center there is the Moaning Oak, a tree that dates from that period that was nourished by the blood of the fallen men. If anyone is foolish enough to touch the tree, their minds are vaulted back through history to that battle. This transportation lasts up to two hours, and if the character dies there, he dies in modern times as well.  

Saint Aenor’s Well

Found in Bitturn, Thallium, this is a is a popular, unmanned roadside shrine. Its waters purportedly will cure eye maladies, even blindness.  

Saint Morwin’s Fountain

Located in Alec, Thalium, along Ulmnies Street, this fountain is famed for healings (attributed to Morwin) and powerful, religious visions.  

Treasure Halls of Torenth

Purportedly in the Aedon Hills in Cynryer, Thalium, Emperor Torenth is said to have secreted a vast fortune and miraculously obscured its location. It has never been found, and the longstanding thought is that this was place was fictional or metaphorical. It seems much more likely he would have used his wealth to help build his new kingdom.
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