Theobald Allbaugh

by Scott A. Story
At age 62, he was born 1173 and is in terrific health for his age. As nicknames go, he has been called the Ol’ Ruffian or the Battle Bishop. He is the Suffragan Prince Bishop of Upper Dolek, the Viscount of Dolek, and the Baron of Kendroon, as well as the Lord Warden of the South and West, Lord High Chancellor of Gwyfned, and member of the Conquering Quintet.    Theobald is known for his idiomatic “what ho!”, “eh wot”, “quite so,” “balderdash,” "jolly good," and “harrumph” exclamations, as well as his phlegmatic enthusiasm and can-do attitude. His blustering speech is peppered with idioms, and he is highly eccentric.    He has a potent and positive sense of presence, and he is an unapologetic extrovert. Prince Dathan trusts Theobald unequivocally, but Lords Ordainers view the old Battle Bishop as an enemy and impediment. Theobald’s integrity is rock solid.    Theobald is a wizard, bishop, viscount, and Gwyfnedi chancellor in no particular order. His long life and ardor have allowed him to achieve all this. As a cleric, he’s a fighting bishop, donning armor, wielding a heavy crozier that doubles as a mace, and fighting for his country and beliefs. His armor is customized to mimic a bishop’s vestments.   
Theobald is a true polymath and does everything well, as a soldier, wizard, feudal lord, and administrator. Theobald lost his official influence as the chancellor when the Lord’s ordainers took charge, but he wishes to restore the old balance of power, and he views Prince Dathan as the future’s finest promise.    His primary compatriots are Prince Dathan, Galen Trueheart, Sir Bhradrix FitzOliver, Melena Kamith, and Gunfrith the Ax. His relationship with Eugeneous Falk, Gwyfned’s cardinal archbishop, is professional, distant, and cool.    Hale for his age, Theobald is bald on the crown, wears muttonchops combined with a stylish mustache, and is given to smiling. He is white-haired now, but he was brunette, and his blue eyes twinkle, but he still can be ferocious in combat and his magic is formidable. His only difficulty is that his eyesight is poor, and he wears spectacles all the time. He is 5’8” and trim for his age. Theobald’s combination crozier/great mace is magic, as his heavy armor.    For custom spells, he is known for Theobald’s demon bane which reflects demon damage (attack or magic) back onto the attacking demon, and Theobald’s Demon Ward, which burn any one demon who hits him to ash and bubbling icthor.


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