Thomas Beddington

The Bald

  Thomas Beddington—Nicknamed Thomas the Bald, he was born in 1183 and is now 52 years old. He is the Warden of the Merchant Adventurers Guild, and Lord Mayor of Gwyfned City. As the mayor of Gwyfned, the capital city of Gwyfned and thus Aorlis, he wields political power on par with the kingdom’s great secular lords. As a merchant adventurer, he has investments all over Gwyfned and the empire, and he owns a cornucopia of bank notes and mortgages from which he collects the fees therefrom, as well as a few monopolies. Thomas has no living family, as his wife and son have predeceased him. Without an heir, he has turned to investing his exceptional wealth in Gwyfned City, mostly in bridges, gates, parks, and public utilities. Thomas would marry again if he found the right match, but he has not. He is a generous patron of the Theater in the Round, and the acting company has leased the land upon which it resides for one feather per year in perpetuity. At this stage of his life, Thomas intends to make Gwyfned City better than he found it, and hold on to his position for as long as he can. His as full of civic pride as he is avaricious and opportunistic. The mayor has a sinister, dark side: Lord Dust has transformed Thomas into his vampiric familiar. Dust puppets Thomas as needed, but he is not overly intrusive, letting the mayor see to his duties normally. Dust in his human form often accompanies the mayor as his advisor. Thomas will do anything Dust asks of him, no questions asked, and he has no ability to resist. Thomas is Saturnine, being quite portly and middle-aged, and he is 5’8” and 260 lbs. He is completely bald on top, but he wears a ginger stylish mustache, high lamb chops, and a goatee. He dresses well, as befits the master of the wealthiest of livery companies, the Merchant Adventurers Guild.


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