Season One Timeline

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    Day One
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Lou's brother, Arnel, comes home seemingly infected

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    Day 15
    Life, Crime

    • Lou abducts and drags a "very new" vampire to the graveyard outside of Gods' Peak.
    • She questions him about which of his clan or people infected her brother with the virus that causes Vampirism.
    • He suggests that she talk to Benny, and she decides to leave him in the graveyard with only a coffin to shield him as the sun rises.
      Recounted in:

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    Day 21
    Life, Crime

    Lou and Benny meet for the first time while Chess is working at the saloon in Gods' Peak. She poisons Benny, trying to get answers out of him that could help her find the beast that attacked her brother.   Recounted in:

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    Day 25

    While staying at a nearby hotel, Benny begins to receive bundles of Lily of the Valley from Lou as an "apology".   Recounted in:

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    Day 36

    • Chess comes at night to question Lou about her having him unknowingly use garlic against Benny.
    • Finally certain about what's happened to Arnel, Chess asks Lou to come with him to the temple in Gods' Peak.
    • While discussing the true nature of Arnel's illness, the group has an encounter with Lou's father that suggests he's not-quite-human.

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    Day 37

    Lou begins to research Doppelgangers and comes across information about another entity, the Tambal.

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    Day 40

    • Lou and Chess go to meet Benny at the hotel
    • Benny questions Lou about where she's staying, and implies that her father is a Tambal. Already aware of this, Lou agrees to find safer shelter.
    • Lou is reminded about the mysterious nature behind True Names, and learns that Benny's name is "Henrik Preben".
      Recounted in:

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    Days 41-45

    Henrik comes back the next morning with his theory on where The Nest could be. The three of them form a plan to investigate the ruins outside of town.

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    Day 54

    The events at the ruins, where the group first meets Tala  

    • The creature living in The Nest has been collecting bodies for an unknown purpose.
    • Tala and Henrik discuss a place they call The Peninsula

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    The beginning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Lou broadcasts her first message  

    • She loses her memories of Benny's True Name and her father's true nature. While broadcasting, Lou becomes increasingly unnerved by the things she's saying.
    • Lou hears The Chorus
    • The shopkeeper, unresponsive, watches Lou as she broadcasts. Once finished, she pays him for giving her access to his amateur (but ancient) broadcasting equipment, then asks that he keep an eye out for Benny, Chess, and Tala while she continues her search for them in a nearby city on the coast.
        The song "Au Clair de la Lune" can be heard throughout the episode.

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    Life, Milestone

    Lou reunites with Chess, Benny, and Tala. The three of them stay at an inn, and letters written in the old script are delivered to Lou over the next few days.  

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    Day 71

    Lou records Message Two, mentioning odd broadcasts that can be heard on any radio within the city, including announcements from The Kingdom, occultist chants, and a song - the latter being her favorite unusual broadcast.

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    Day 73

    While broadcasting Message Two, the machinery fails and Lou panics.  

    • When the equipment plays back the tape, the recording is a strangely dissimilar segment from what The Audience has heard.
    • In her panic, Lou knocks over a pile of other audio equipment and sets off a trap, then uses a "Portal" spell to close the opened hellmouth.
      The song "Au Clair de la Lune" can be heard throughout the episode, including the playback of Lou's tape.

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    Days 74-75

    Lou picks up where she left off with Message Two then broadcasts it the next day.

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    Day 76

    The Old Script begins to appear on the walls

    • Henrik accuses Lou of writing the messages herself, while Chess is trying to uncover if they are magical in nature. Tala is indifferent to all of them and keeps her distance.
    • The messages begin to fade in and out of the wood itself in Lou's room.

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    Day 78
    Life, Supernatural

    As Lou recounts the day she ran into Benny at the temple, she starts to remember how her father was acting out-of-sorts, and explains that he's not the person she remembers growing up with when she'd lived on The Peninsula.  

    • Mid-recording, Lou leaves to apologize to Benny about her use of homebrewed garlic tea when they first met, and The Audience learns his true name.
    • Lou asks Benny if he can hear the song too.
    • "Lou" becomes aware of The Audience for the first time

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    Days 80-84

    Confused, Lou tries to go back through her tapes to see if she's ever used Henrik's name.  

    • While listening, she realizes that the moments where she's felt a loss are retained in the tape recordings.
    • Strange silver lines begin to appear on Lou's skin, branching off as time goes on. Henrik and Chess try to help her find the source and a solution, believing it could be a curse or hex.

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    Day 85

    Lou decides to record a tape for herself, about the events that lead to her and Chess going to see Henrik in his hotel.  

    • She mentions that vampires can't be infected, or reinfected, by anything.
    • A new line forms on her skin as she records, so she searches through the letters from episode 2 to see if there are any clues as to what's causing them.
    • While attempting to translate one of her letters, the script expands its reach multiple times.
    • The letters Lou translates are the lyrics to "Au Clair de la Lune" and the ancient song "Mary had a Little Lamb".
    • Lou attempts to burn the lines on her skin with acid, and Chess and Henrik hurry to find that Lou's hurt herself in the process.
    • Chess is wary about leaving Lou alone.

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    Day 86

    Lou continues her recording of "Message Four" where she'd left off.  

    • Lou reveals that the man she's been living with is a Tambal, and that her father is possibly lost on The Peninsula.
    • Despite not planning to broadcast her message, Lou panics after realizing she's said Henrik's name on tape.
    • Chess and Henrik, already aware that Lou has been acting oddly, check on her after hearing her fumbling with the recorder.
    • Immediately upon turning off the recorder, Lou forgets what she'd just been doing.
    • She contemplates the song that she's heard "so much recently". Trying to recall Benny's name, she stops and turns her attention to The Audience.
    • Lou continues recording Message Four. After turning off the tape recorder, she apologizes for being too tired to talk more, then asks her Companion what she's doing there, as Lou can't remember letting her into the room.
    • Henrik and Chess find Lou breaking down after her companion disappears.

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    Day 87

    The group discuss what Lou might have seen, as entities are par for the course, and they might as well know what they're dealing with.

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    Days 87-90

    Lou begins researching ghosts, spirits, and trying to find mentions of Pierrette Lamb.

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    Day 90: Kill FM

    While visiting a library, Lou meets an employee who has a familiar "tattoo".   Heard in Kill FM 1  

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    Day 91: Posession
    Life, Supernatural

    Recording another message for herself, Lou talks about her discovery of the song, "Au Clair de la Lune" and remarks that everything she's been experiencing may be connected to a Moon worshipping cult.  

    • She jokingly plays "Mary had a Little Lamb", then tries to play "Au Clair de la Lune".
    • Lamb fully possesses Lou, addressing The Audience. Hearing Bakunawa's low growls, she remembers the day she first encountered the saurian sea dragon.
    • While attending a ball in The Kingdom, Lamb is among other nobles who are excited to "Dine with The Queen"
    • In the middle of her recording, Lamb is displaced, arriving in another world during an apocalyptic event.
    • Once allowed to resume her recording after returning to Lou's body, Lamb describes when her brother was selected for The Queen's lottery.
    • Echoes of Lamb's own apocalyptic event can be heard, and Lamb is once again displaced - back into her own world and time.
    • Toma is sacrificed during a ritual performed by The Queen's cult. They successfully summon Bakunawa.
    • Lamb watches helplessly as her world ends.
    • When she decides to kill the queen, she reenters Lou's body and threatens Henrik with a knife. She tells the listener to turn off the song.

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    Day 92: Displacement
    Life, Relocation

    Lou reexperiences the night at the ruins  

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    Day 93

    Lamb is again displaced into the day her world ended.  

    • Walking toward a cave, Lamb speaks to The Queen's head, which she took in her original time and world during the events of "Message Five".
    • A priestess follows Lamb into The Cave where they encounter Maguayan. It's revealed that no amount of time travel will "undo what has already been done", and that there is only one moon - "What's left of Libulan".
    • Chess confronts Lamb about her possessing Lou, wondering how long she's been doing this.
    • Chess and Lamb talk about her true intention: finding a necromancer to resurrect her body.
    • During their discussion the music can be heard, and Lamb quickly asks Chess to help her. When he disagrees, time itself comes to a stop.
    • Tala finds the two of them at the cafe, and they decide that crossing The River is the only way to escape the entity following them.
    • When they return, Tala and Lamb argue over each of their histories, their perceptions of entities, and their realities.

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    Discovery, Exploration

    The group travels across the river.  

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    Day 117: The Peninsula
    Life, Relocation

    The group arrives at the Goliath Peninsula.