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Cloudpunks 'Gnomes'

Written by Pookas Kreations

These are a subculture among the Sky Gnome, they are similar to the Sky Dancers*. They live in the highest reaches of the Skylands Continent, and are a nomadic group who have adapted to life amongst the swirling clouds.     They prefer to dress in lightweight, iridescent gear that shimmers like clouds in the sunlight. Wearing goggles to protect them from high winds. Many get tattoos that resemble lightning or cloud formations.    Their lifestyle is to live in ramshackle airships cobbled together from scavenged parts and harvested Lightwood. Many are skilled glider pilots who ride the thermal, and currents of the upper atmosphere. Some are even rumored to be skilled cloud weavers and are able to manipulate the  fabric of the clouds to create bridges, fortresses, and cities that can last for days or more if made permanent.   They believe that the movements of the clouds hold a deep and primal magic and revere the Storm King. He is a mythical being, said to be a primordial of clouds and thunderstorms. Some practice divination by reading the shapes and patterns of clouds.   Cloudpunks often trade with Sky Gnome cities for anything that they can't make for themselves. They are adept hunters of rare cloud jellies, a luminescent delicacy only found in the highest altitudes and other hard-to-find or dangerous animals to hunt.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

aurora, cirra, nimbusa, strata, celeste, astra, cumula, aeris, neve, pluma, zephyra, eurus, notos, boreas, alora, astraea, maia, freya, morwen, anahita

Masculine names

cirrus, nimbus, cumulus, zephyr, alto, zenith, astral, nimbus, fulgur, euros, notus, boreas, aeolus, thor, raijin, perun, frey, zephyrus

Unisex names

boreas, nimbus, aer, nube, stratus, zephyr, storm, corvus, lumi, fulgur, comet, nova, sider, astra, celeste

Family names

highwind, stormbringer, cloudborn, skydancer, lightningchaser, silversail, wispwright, thunderheart, skyweaver, stardust


Major language groups and dialects

Gnomin, Fiss-taal (wind tongue), Auran, Common

Shared customary codes and values

They are generous, curious, and innovative people.

Average technological level

They have an understanding of a high level of technology but prefer to live mostly without it. Cloudpunks are a group of high-altitude nomads. They can make simple airships, advanced gliders, cloud marbling, storm prediction, and lightning capture.    Their weaknesses are limited resources, simple tools, no large-scale projects, limited metalworking.

Common Dress code

They like shiny clothes, or any shade of blue, white, grey, yellow, etc.

Art & Architecture

They like painting clouds, or anything having to do with the sky. Their favorite is a process they created called cloud marbling.

Foods & Cuisine

Some of the common foods that they eat are cloud jellies, cloud strider eggs, smoked sky-whiskers, wind-kissed grains, grubs, and insects.    Recipes include: cloud jelly scramble, wind rider stew, sky-high flatbread, nimbus nibblers, storm's breath broth

Historical figures

Firi Strongcloud: Cloud-Weaver who tamed the tempest.
Related Locations

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