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Corpse Eater

Written by Pookas Kreations

A mass of tangled vines dangling from a large mushroom cap, a vaguely humanoid body with a rudimentary body. This massive, fungal growth with a crude, humanoid shape, the fungus mound is a carnivorous plant creature that has developed a rudimentary form of intelligence. Its body is covered in a thick layer of spongy, green fungus, and its tentacle-like limbs are long and spindly. The mound moves slowly but deliberately, its roots churning the earth beneath it.   As a carnivorous creature, it feeds on corpses and other creatures that it catches. Its tentacles are covered in a thick layer of sticky sap that traps prey. Once a creature is caught, the Corpse Eater uses its tentacles to pull the creature into its trunk, where it is digested by the creature's digestive system.    It is a powerful and dangerous creature that can be difficult to kill. The fungus absorbs any bludgeoning and most slashing or piercing attacks. It also has a damage reduction vs magic. This is a unique and fascinating creature that is a perfect example of the power of nature. It is a reminder that even the most dangerous and deadly creatures can be awe-inspiring.

Basic Information


Vaguely humanoid body, 20 tentacles, mobile roots, sensor nodules.

Biological Traits

This all depends on its diet, how much it eats, the environment, etc. It is often found on battlefields eating the dead bodies. It loves this diet, but corpses aren't good for it, insects and animals are better, and fae ones are better for its digestion system.

Genetics and Reproduction

This creature is asexual and reproduces through a spore cloud.

Growth Rate & Stages

This creature takes years to grow to large as a full adult.

Ecology and Habitats

Any, except cold climates, and underwater.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous whether living or dead.

Biological Cycle

Cold causes torpor and eventually death.


It is not intelligent and runs on instinct.

Additional Information

Social Structure


Average Intelligence

Instinct only

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

darkvision, scent, sense corpse
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Mycocarnivora ambulans
40 years
Average Height
8 ft tall
Average Weight
400 lbs
Average Length
tentacles: 20 ft long
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Grey-green, tan, white

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