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Fionn mac Cumhaill "Tuatha de Dannan"

Written by Pookas Kreations

Lord Fionn Cumhaill, Ui Thairsig tribe, mac (son of) (a.k.a. Finn McCool)

Fionn is one of the younger generations of the Tuatha de Dannan that conquered Ireland. He was taken from historical Earth via an Atlantean dimensional pod, disoriented but unharmed.    Fionn is a legendary leader of the Fianna. Having long studied Fionns exploits, the Atlanteans recognized is leadership and fighting prowess. They built a special unit inspired by the Fianna and adapted it to high-tech combat for Fionn to lead. He was brought to Aquatica to help in  The Chaos Wars  With Fionn 6 of his elite troops were transported with him to help train the new unit. They were the core of this new unit. In the decade of the Chaos Wars, the Fianna were a fierce and destructive unit in the world. Eventually, they lost interest in the battle and decided to steal a ship and head for Sylvania in search of their people in the The Fae Wild.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is in peak physical condition.

Facial Features

He has a face with elfin-like beauty, it is chiseled and strong, with high cheekbones, slightly pointed ears, and his skin shimmers with an iridenscent sheen around the eyes. His eyes shimmer with an unnatural brilliance and glow faintly.

Physical quirks

Fionn is short-tempered, boastful, overconfident, and superstitious.

Special abilities

When young, it was told that when in extreme danger he flies into a rage and changes into a bear and rages across the battlefield. Until his rage is over the other Fianna stay behind him. Afterward, he falls into a deep sleep for days. Once he reached adulthood, this ability faded away (it was a survival strategy to allow him to reach adulthood).

Apparel & Accessories

He wore a long, knee-length tunic, braccae (loose pants that gathered at the ankle), a long hooded wool cloak in the winter. In battle, he had a large wicker shield, a leather buckler, and a leather kilt. Often wears an enchanted breastplate, harness, greaves, bracers, and other armor components.   His weapons were a long Bronze spear with an @oriculum spearhead, when he arrived on Atlantia Location they altered his spear to emit a plasma energy bolt.    At times he also used a short sword, axe, bow and arrows, sling, and knife. All of these are made out of alloys that have no iron, including steel. The Tuatha de Dannan were skilled at forging bronze, mithril, silver, and other allows and strengthening them with magic. They were also skilled at hardening leather, wood, and plant materials making them as strong as steel, some like adamantium.

Specialized Equipment

The Gae Bolga, is a legendary spear, it could pierce any armor and always found its mark.

Mental characteristics


Except for his education when Bodhmall and Liath Luachra raised him in secrecy. They taught him various skills in hunting and survival, and other skills that he would need to win a place in the games. The game was a lottery to gain the right to join the Fianna.   Finn Egas was a poet and seer who took him as a pupil, he taught Fionn poetry, wisdom, and possibly even prophecy.


Over his years with the Fianna, he worked up the ranks to become their war leader.

Morality & Philosophy

The Code of the Fianna:
  • fidelity and loyalty
  • strength and skill
  • hunting prowess
  • hospitality and generosity
  • defend the weak
  • truthfulness and honor
  • respect for nature


  • cowardice
  • abusing hospitality
  • magic for personal gain
  • harming the weak
  • lying to superiors

Personality Characteristics


To achieve balance, especially in nature.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

He has a deep connection with nature and its animals.

Likes & Dislikes

His favorite food was venison, and dislikes the taste of cooked salmon.


When possible, he prefered to bathe everyday.


Family Ties

His father is Cumhall mac Trenmhoir, leader of the Fianna, and belonged to the Ui Thairsig tribe. His mother is Muirne nic Tadhg, of the white knees. His grandparents are: (maternal) Tadhg mac Nuadat a wise and powerful druid, and son of Nuadat.   It is written that he is part Tuatha de Dannan, and part human or Firbolg.

Religious Views

Ancestor worship: He probably venerated his distant relative Nuada of the silver hand

Social Aptitude

Fionn is very charismatic.


He has a deep baritone and a lilting speech pattern.
Divine Classification
Tuatha de Dannan, demigod, hero
Current Status
Fae Wild
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Long blond hair, in braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium tan
200 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
The greatest strength is not in your muscles, but in your mind. A true leader walks beside his men, not before them.
Known Languages
Fionn learned Eldor, Sylvan, and Common from his parents and caretakers; later he learned Duan, from the Fianna, and Atlantean from the Atlanteans.
Character Prototype
Depending on the story, he can be a protagonist, antagonist, hero, etc.

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