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Helios-9: virus

Written by Pookas Kreations

The Helios-9 virus evolved from a meteor swarm that was caught by the Ghost of Chaos as it passed by the Oort cloud. This rogue sun captured a small meteor swarm, the sun mutated the virus that was on these meteors. As it got closer to Aquatica the meteors fell to the surface as a swam and sewed chaos wherever they landed.


Helios-9 is altering people's state of mind, their perceptions, and their emotions. Many people were affected by this infection and no one who was near the landing sites was unaffected. Luckily as the Chaosma passed by the effects petered off, as nothing was permanent. 


The symptoms are similar to ergot poisoning except that no one died. Many people were very scared, had hallucinations, and danced impulsively, convulsions, agitation, confusion, delirium, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, gout, fever, and sometimes more severe symptoms occurred if the person had underlying conditions which could lead to heart attacks, gangrene, and limb loss; but these are rare.


These asteroids are thick with heavy metals, psychoactive lichens, and alkaloids are components in the soil. These dangerous elements combined with the wild magic aura of Chaosma, as well as the heat of entry into the planetary atmosphere were altered to cause effects that are listed above. 


Something similar happens every time Chaosma comes around every 6 years and every time something odd happens. This time it was Helios-9, other times its been wild magic storms, solar flares and other troubles.


Many people consider this rogue sun to be curse because of these troubles.
Item type
Raw materials & Components
The asteroids are thick with heavy metals, psychoactive lichens, and alkaloids are components in the soil.

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