Koa--Warden of the Riverbend Character in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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Koa--Warden of the Riverbend

Written by Pookas Kreations

Warden of the Riverbend Koa Waiora (a.k.a. Ami)

Koa is the leader of the first generation of Lutra, he was honed by the challenges of protecting his tribe after the transformation. He remembers the storm that brought great change to his people.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Koa is a strong, muscular, dextrous, and fast Lutra male.

Body Features

He is an animalfolk, a humanoid Lutra. Koa has a basic humanoid body with otter-like features. He has 2 arms, 2 legs and a tail.

Facial Features

Koa has a round face, chubby cheeks, small round wideset ears, round brown eyes, and large canines.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He is one of the primitive otters that became the Lutra, they were swimming in the Wynwood River when a great storm washed over them. The tribe barely made it to the Holt (the cave they live in), a few were washed downstream and were never seen again. Winds howled, lightning flashed, thunder roared and the ground shook. The river rushed past the cave opening, then lightning struck, and a wave hurled into the cave. The lightning energized the water, causing it to glow, and they were caught in the wave of raw magic.   The otters were terrified, huddled in the back of the cave. Koa tried calming everyone, but they ended up curling into a pile and gradually fell asleep. He woke wracked in pain, his fur stood on end, with static electricity dancing along the ends, bones stretched and reformed and his mind flickered with a newfound awareness.   When he stood, he was surprised to see that he was taller and had a different body shape. His senses were alive, everything was sharper, and his thoughts raced. Still playful, and with an insatiable curiosity he entered the river to see what this new life would hold.   Once in the water, he sensed new vibrations in the water. His eyesight was even sharper than before. His connection to his water home has intensified, his speed has increased, and is even able to smell prey on the water.


He is an excellent warrior, scout, sailor, and fisherman. All of these skills he has learned from experience, leadership, and instinct.

Accomplishments & Achievements

His experiences have helped him to lead his tribe to a successful life.

Mental Trauma

His sadness at losing some of his friends to the storm, as the river washed them downstream.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is smart, charismatic, has great common sense.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Searching for the source
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Circumstances of Birth
During a wild magic storm on the Wynwood River
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
short reddish-brown fur
150 lbs
Aela, the Churning Current and the Harmony with the Flow
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Lutran, Sylvan, Aquan and Common.

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