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Rhys Llewellyn: the wandering bard

Written by Pookas Kreations

Bard Rhys Llewellyn

Rhys was born beneath a starless sky, in a small village nestled between rolling hills and a whispering forest. His mother was a woman of wisdom who had a voice that could soothe troubled hears and stir dormant dreams. Rhys learned his love of words, a gift for weaving tales, and a deep-rooted connection to the ancient rhythms of the land.    His father was a seasoned veteran of many battles and taught him courage tempered by compassion. He died in a war long forgotten when Rhys was barely a man himself. The loss left a pit in his heart, but it was also a catalyst. He left his home and started wandering the land with a worn lute slung over his shoulder. His voice became his sword, his stories his armor.    He became a true bard, a storyteller, an oral historian, and a chronicler of the human spirit. A mirror reflecting the joys, sorrows, and complexities of life. Singing of valiant knights, treacherous villains, star-crossed lovers, and wise old hermits. These tales were more than entertainment; they were a balm for weary souls, a spark igniting hope in the worst of times.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He is lean, and muscular from years of travel.

Facial Features

He has a narrow face, with high cheekbones, pointed ears from his elven heritage,

Identifying Characteristics

Rhys has a small, jagged scar on his left cheek from a childhood encounter with a wild boar. A collection of tattoos on his forearms--symbols of places he's visited and stories he's told.

Special abilities

Bardic abilities, and fighting skills he learned from his father. As well as Elven racial qualities.

Apparel & Accessories

He commonly wears the following: leather jerkin, linen tunic, cloak, boots, belt, and woolen pants.   His clothes come in various colors: green, brown, and gold, with a badge with a stylized whispering oak, holding a lyre, a quill and a scroll.

Mental characteristics


In his early years he was educated by his parents, then by the bardic college in their district.


He is an itinerant bard (journeyman), he hasn't been chosen by a patron yet.

Mental Trauma

His fathers death.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • charismatic, engaging, with a quick wit
  • possesses a deep well of wisdom and empathy
  • often lost in thought, as if living in the worlds of his own creation
  • a lover of nature and the outdoors

Morality & Philosophy

a strong sense of loyalty and honor


Contacts & Relations

He had many classmates in the College of Whispering Oak, he grew up knowing many in the Fianna, villagers of Greenhollow. As well as those he met in his travels.

Family Ties

Rhys's father was Lord Cormac, a warrior of the Fianna with a love for storytelling. His mother was Aelwyn, a healer and herbalist with a beautiful singing voice. He had a younger sister named Eira, who is skilled in archery and has a mischievous spirit.

Religious Views

He follows Rian, the Elven god of the bards. Rian is often depicted as a handsome, , bearded man with a flowing cloak holding a lyre in hand.

Hobbies & Pets

He has a pair of ferrets, that can hide in his bag of holding with the familiar pocket spell cast on it. His mother gave him an interest in herbology, and was her apprentice, before he started warrior training with his father.


Rhys has a smooth melodic voice that is well-suited for storytelling. His voice is clear and articulate, and he can project his voice in a room for best effect.

Wealth & Financial state

Until he gains a Patron, most bards fall on the charity of others. Although, in many countries, a bard is owed room and board in exchange for stories and songs.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord, bard, storyteller, ambassador, minstrel, troubadour, etc.
Circumstances of Birth
Under an overcast sky, and a dark moon
Greenhollow, Avalonia
Current Residence
Aerilon: The Heartwood
deep green, with flecks of gold
Dark brown, slightly wavy, tied in a pony tail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
olive, tanned complexion
181 lbs
Rian, god of poetry, music, inspiration
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Astralus, Atlantean, Sylvan, Common, and many more.
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