The Sundering of the Westwind Plains Physical / Metaphysical Law in Aquatica Homebrew | World Anvil
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The Sundering of the Westwind Plains

Written by Pookas Kreations

The epicenter of this disaster was a wild magic storm that destroyed the center of the valley in a 20-mile radius. The Westwind Plains is in a broad valley 10 miles inland from the southwestern coast. It was the site of the War of the Arcane Tides, the wild magic storm caused by the arcane forces being cast by mages on both sides.    In the final volley, the magic twisted and caused the storm. This clash of powerful magic tore the very fabric of reality and warped the natural laws in the area. It turned the valley into a wasteland of corrupted nature, uncontrolled magic unleashing chaos. Many called this the Sundering, in emphasis of the permanent change caused by the magical clash.   The valley is split into various sections including:
  1. glowing oasis
  2. craggy coexistence
  3. whispering grove
  4. symbiotic lagoon and
  5. various types of corrupted land in between these sections and where they overlap.
  The center of the valley is a desolate wasteland of twisted earth and shattered reality. Once lush areas have been reduced to sickly husks of the forests and plains that were once there. The ground itself is a patchwork of scorched plains, glassy craters, fissures caused by earthquakes.


Some of the effects of the Sundering include:
  • mutations of all life in the area
  • sundering of the valley like from an 8.0 magnitude earthquake
  • death of most of the inhabitants
  • corruption of what life survived
  • all magic performed here is warped by the wild magic that emanates from the area
  • there are various corruptied elementals, that are insane and randomly travel the valley.
  • earthquakes
  • storms
  • acid rain
  • wild magic aftershocks
  • bubbles that mutate anything that enters
  • wandering ghosts of those who have died in the valley


This law only affects the valley and the nearest mountain ridges.
Metaphysical, Arcane

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