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Urtho vs the Atlantean Ministry of Science

Written by Pookas Kreations

Urtho was investigated and charged with treason because it was discovered that he broke protocol in some of his science work. He was also suspected to have been helping the rebels on multiple occasions.   The main reason that he wasn't charged is that none of it was provable, there was no evidence. One of his assistants was suspicious and jealous of his status, he discovered that he was from another dimension and didn't trust him because of it. He knew Urtho Rivinius who lived in this dimension before he died and could tell that is Urtho wasn't his Urtho.    Nothing was proven, but he was still under suspicion for years afterward. Urtho has tried to keep his activities above reproach and within regulations but has managed to keep his illicit ones secret.


This document is used to document the evidence of his wrongdoing.

Document Structure


  • introduction
  • background
  • evidence analysis
  • conclusion
  • recommendations
  • disclaimer

Publication Status

This is stored in the public records on Hy-Altia Mother-Ship.

Legal status

This is filed by the Ministry of Science to the Atlantean High Command.

Historical Details

Public Reaction

This was kept from the general public and is only known by the agent, witnesses, the legal team, and adjucators.

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