
Once a simple wildcat, she was granted expanded thought through an "uplift" experiment. The exact method for how this was achieved is a tightlipped secret, other than that it was a fairly intensive procedure, necessitating a team of medical professionals to be on standby.
After graduating from the station's schooling system, she hopped on a shuttle bound for Takuvia, and started to prove to the world that her quadrupedal poise isn't a shortcoming, as she proved plenty capable with what she was born with.

The seer through the veil
Different Destination - Carina Lapotis

Rather than Takuvia, Anup went to Dakiupra, and took on employment as a temp in Jamilla Seomok's restaurant. Eventually, she was able to buy a control chair, and a surrogate body, which expanded her options, and her temporary employment went to full-fledged at the restaurant.

The seer through the veil
Stuck in the Tube

In a timeline whose designation has been classified, Anup never left Syzygy station.
Year of Birth
1060 ABO 19 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born into the Uplift Program
Syzygy Station