Arrun Murena

Psion Arrun Murena

Born in a Batavian vat, alongside Talacal Hayateras and Abi Suusoret. He, supposedly, was gifted with the ability of "foresight"; The power to perceive future events before they happen. His inaugural display of power was when he warned the warned the staff on site about an insurrectionist attack. Ironic, then, that his downfall came through an attack that he foresaw, as attempting to move Abi or Talacal out of the way of the shot would result in the other falling.

The seer through the veil
A Separate Ambracia

In an adjacent timeline, the psions are forced into accepting severe augmentation, and pitted in increasingly exotic displays (especially in the gladiator pit).
Current Location
Year of Birth
1057 ABO 22 Years old
Potentia Labs, Ambracia
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations