
Known among the Naulixi Avali as "Rakelo", it is the language spoken by the avali.

Natively known as: rakelo /ɹɑˈkɛlo/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
ukyu kaka eiyezukyu vano rhashazyu yeshaka ukyu vano yaduyun ravami hahoka kanokyu yenasyu
Pronunciation: /ʌˈkiʌ ˈkɑkɑ ˌɛɪˌʤɛzʌˈkiʌ ˈvɑno ˌɹhɑʃɑˈziʌ ʤɛˈʃɑkɑ ʌˈkiʌ ˈvɑno ʤɑˈdʌʤʌn ɹɑˈvɑmɪ hɑˈhokɑ ˌkɑnoˈkiʌ ˌʤɛnɑˈsiʌ/
Rakeloian word order: and he stood his hat holding and his wet face turned the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: d h j k l m n r s t v z
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Stop t d k
Fricative v s z h
Approximant j
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Vowel inventory: a e i o u y
Front Back
High i y u
High-mid e o
Low a
Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Sound changes (in order of application):  
  • a → ɑ
  • b → b
  • ch → ʧ
  • c → k
  • d → d
  • e → ɛ
  • f → f
  • g → g
  • h → h
  • i → ɪ
  • j → ʤ
  • kk → k
  • k → k
  • ll → l
  • l → l
  • m → m
  • ng → ŋ
  • nn → n
  • n → n
  • o → o
  • p → p
  • q → k
  • r → ɹ
  • sh → ʃ
  • s → s
  • th → θ
  • t → t
  • u → ʌ
  • v → v
  • w → w
  • x → ks
  • y → i
  • z → z
  Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
j y
ɾ r
ɑ a
b b
ʧ ch
d d
ɛ e
f f
g g
h h
i i
ɪ i
ʤ j
k k
l l
m m
ŋ ng
n n
o o
p p
ɹ r
ʃ sh
s s
θ th
t t
ʌ u
v v
w w
x ks
z z


  Main word order: Subject Object Verb (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary the door opened with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have four cases:
  • Ergative is the doer of a verb, when the verb is done to something: dog bites man.
  • Absolutive is used in two scenarios: the doer of a verb when not done to something (dog bites), and the done-to of a verb (man bites dog).
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
Ergative If ends with E: Suffix -na
Else: Suffix -ko
yeduzyuko /ʤɛˌdʌziˈʌko/ dog (doing the verb to something)
Absolutive No affix
yeduzyu /ˌʤɛdʌˈziʌ/ dog (doing the verb, but not to something)
Genitive Prefix kikyu-
kikyuyeduzyu /kɪˌkiʌˌʤɛdʌˈziʌ/ dogʼs
Dative Suffix -nije
yeduzyuniye /ˌʤɛdʌˌziʌˈnɪʤɛ/ to (the/a) dog
Masculine Feminine
Singular No affix
shaduko /ʃɑˈdʌko/ man
No affix
navami /nɑˈvɑmɪ/ woman
Plural Suffix -junra
shadukoyunra /ʃɑˌdʌkoˈʤʌnɹɑ/ men
If ends with E: Suffix -sha
Else: Suffix -mi
navamimi /ˌnɑvɑˈmɪmɪ/ women


  Rakeloian has no definite article ‘the’, or indefinite article ‘a’.


Ergative Absolutive Genitive Dative
1st singular kizyu /kɪˈziʌ/ I yaka /ˈʤɑkɑ/ me rali /ˈɹɑlɪ/ mine eisyu /ˌɛɪˈsiʌ/ to me
2nd singular yani /ˈʤɑnɪ/ you rani /ˈɹɑnɪ/ you tami /ˈtɑmɪ/ yours kikyu /kɪˈkiʌ/ to you
3rd singular masc kaka /ˈkɑkɑ/ he, it (masc) yeka /ˈʤɛkɑ/ his, it (masc) hani /ˈhɑnɪ/ his, its (masc) eizyu /ˌɛɪˈziʌ/ to his, to it (masc)
3rd singular fem nami /ˈnɑmɪ/ she, it (fem) talon /ˈtɑlon/ her, it (fem) neyun /ˈnɛʤʌn/ hers, its (fem) yeku /ˈʤɛkʌ/ to her, to it (fem)
1st plural inclusive kezyo /kɛˈzio/ we (including you) nun /nʌn/ us (including you) ein /ˈɛɪn/ ours (including you) yazyo /ʤɑˈzio/ to us (including you)
1st plural exclusive tano /ˈtɑno/ we (excluding you) razyo /ɹɑˈzio/ us (excluding you) shako /ˈʃɑko/ ours (excluding you) nalo /ˈnɑlo/ to us (excluding you)
2nd plural ami /ˈɑmɪ/ you all nuno /ˈnʌno/ you all yaku /ˈʤɑkʌ/ yours (pl) kan /kɑn/ to you all
3rd plural masc hasyu /hɑˈsiʌ/ they (masc) yesyu /ʤɛˈsiʌ/ them (masc) neku /ˈnɛkʌ/ theirs (masc) rhano /ˈɹhɑno/ to them (masc)
3rd plural fem eini /ɛˈɪnɪ/ they (fem) alo /ˈɑlo/ them (fem) yekyu /ʤɛˈkiʌ/ theirs (fem) eino /ɛˈɪno/ to them (fem)

Possessive determiners

1st singular vakyu /vɑˈkiʌ/ my
2nd singular zumi /ˈzʌmɪ/ your
3rd singular masc vano /ˈvɑno/ his
3rd singular fem uni /ˈʌnɪ/ her
1st plural inclusive honi /ˈhonɪ/ our (including you)
1st plural exclusive zuyun /ˈzʌʤʌn/ our (excluding you)
2nd plural lani /ˈlɑnɪ/ your (pl)
3rd plural masc lami /ˈlɑmɪ/ their (masc)
3rd plural fem laku /ˈlɑkʌ/ their (fem)


Present No affix
yeluko /ʤɛˈlʌko/ learn
Past Prefix raka-
rakayeluko /ɹɑˌkɑʤɛˈlʌko/ learned
Remote past Suffix -kuna
yelukokuna /ʤɛˌlʌkoˈkʌnɑ/ learned (long ago)
Rakeloian uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
Future Particle before the verb: ken -
ken yeluko /kɛn ʤɛˈlʌko/ will learn

Progressive aspect

  The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speaking, such as I am learning.
Rakeloian uses an affix for progressive:
Progressive Prefix rako-
rakoyeluko /ɹɑˌkoʤɛˈlʌko/ is learning

Habitual aspect

  The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).
Rakeloian uses a standalone particle word for habitual:
Habitual Particle before the verb: zujun -
zuyun yeluko /ˈzʌʤʌn ʤɛˈlʌko/ learns

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Rakeloian uses an affix for the perfect aspect:
Perfect Prefix rali-
raliyeluko /ɹɑˌlɪʤɛˈlʌko/ have learned


  Rakeloian has a base-10 number system:   1 - kanukyu
2 - nurhami
3 - eizali
4 - uku
5 - karazyo
6 - hako
7 - neyeluzyo
8 - yekizuli
9 - nenelon
10 - eiravako
100 - hahano
1000 - nerhakyu

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with E: Suffix -ne
Else: Suffix -jun
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -kaja
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix kakyu-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with E: Suffix -ki
Else: Suffix -zyo
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix ako-
Noun to verb = If ends with E: Suffix -na
Else: Suffix -ku
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix shami-
Tending to = Prefix rako-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix kilon-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Suffix -lonrha
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Suffix -junha
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -noje
Diminutive = Prefix kalo-
Augmentative = If ends with E: Suffix -ke
Else: Suffix -ko


3151 Words.