2PtG22 Bohdana

2PtG22 Bohdana (a.k.a. "Red Tryzub")

A first viable example of second-gen Protogens, created in a secret Ukrainian biolab shortly before the Russo-Ukrainian War, that has started in 2022. Was awakened during it and participated in the war, before being near-fatally wounded and put into healing coma, then getting forgotten about. Was reawakened a long time later, during the age of the Alliance of Solar Forces. Not feeling in her place in the Ukraine so far in the future, she turned her sight towards the IXS program.
Bohdana CR 1/2 (XP 200)
0400/1300 XP
Hermaphrodite Protogen Career Trooper Nanocyte 1
N Medium humanoid(reptilian, cybernetic)
Init +0; Senses: low-light vision, darkvision 60 ft; Perception +7;
HP: 10(6 class + 4 racial) ; SP: 9(6 class + 3 Con) ; RP: 4 (half level(min 1) + 3 key ability)
EAC 10; KAC 10; (+0 Dex, +0 EAC, +0 KAC, +0 size)
Fort +5; Ref +0; Will +3
Defensive Abilities: -
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: unarmed strike +2(1d3+1 B nonlethal), razormaw +2(1d3+1 P/S, bleed 1d4 on crit), Gear Array Longsword +2 (1d8+1 S; analog)
Ranged: azimuth laser pistol +1(1d4 F, burn 1d4 on crit), Gear Array Tactical Numbing Beam +1 (1d6 C; nonlethal)
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Offensive Abilities: gear array
Str 12(+1) Dex 11(+0) Con 16(+3) Int 15(+2) Wis 16(+3) Cha 11(+0)
Base Atk +1;
Skills: Computers +6, Disguise +1, Intimidate +1, Perception +7, Piloting +4, Sense Motive +4, Stealth +4, Survival +4;
Feat: accelerated recovery
Languages: Common, Ukrainian
Key Ability Score: Con
Other Abilities: visor-dependent, nanite array, nanite surge, primary nanite faculty(infestation), primary faculty technique(malignant mist)
Gear: azimuth laser pistol, battery(2), credstick(530 Cr)
Augments: neurojack
Gear Array Basic Medkit: Bohdana can use this kit to attempt a DC 25 Medicine check to treat deadly wounds.
Gear Array Binder Restraints: Bohdana can use these to restrain two limbs on a helpless, pinned, or willing, creature. A creature can escape them with a DC 21 Acrobatics check.
Gear Array Tactical Numbing Beam: This weapon deals nonlethal cold damage. It can be fired 20 times before its battery must be recharged or replaced. Its range increment is 50 feet.
Neurojack i. lvl: 2; price: 625*; System: Brain; ASF technology, similar to a standard Datajack. Without an adapter, it cannot be used to interface with standard Palaxian technology. -Datajack: This cybernetic includes a programmable data port that allows you to access different types of computers and digital storage media. Any handheld computer can be inserted directly into the port, while larger systems need to be connected by an adapter cable. Having the system connected directly to your nervous system obviates the need for an interface to access data on a system. Actually operating the system requires you to use the Computers skill as usual. Some closed systems don’t allow data access or require you to do some rewiring to connect with a datajack (usually an Engineering check).
Upgrade Slot: Protogen have a single armor upgrade slot in their bodies. Regardless of whether they are wearing physical armor, they can use this slot to install any one armor upgrade that could be installed into light armor.
Exceptional Vision: Protogen have low-light vision and darkvision. As a result, they can see in dim light as if it were normal light, and they can see with no light source at all to a range of 60 feet in monochrome(usually tied to their visor light coloration). See low-light vision and darkvision on pages 264 and 263.
Visor-Dependent: While their visor remains intact and integrated, a protogen benefits from an integrated comm unit and datajack. Because of the absolute necessity of the visor for a protogen's survival, though, the brain, ears, eyes, and throat systems are difficult, if not impossible to access and augment.
Natural Weapons: Protogen are always considered armed. They can deal 1d3 lethal damage with unarmed strikes and the attack doesn't count as archaic. Integrated Protection: Protogen have built-in defensive layers, which can be enhanced with armor. You gain a +1 bonus to both Kinetic and Energy AC. You can wear nearly any armor, though you do not gain the innate bonus in addition to the armor's bonuses, unless you are proficient with the armor. Donning and doffing the armor in an integrated fashion takes about 1 hour, and cannot be removed quickly if donned in this manner. It takes a quarter of this time(15 min) if you have access to a specialized workshop. You can rest while donning or doffing armor in this way. While alive, this armor cannot be simply removed, and it takes a 1d4 hours to successfully remove, even from a fallen protogen.

Theme Knowledge: You are adept at telling fact from fiction when it comes to determining enemy movements and assessing rumors. Reduce the DC of any Culture or Diplomacy check to gather or recall information about enemy troop sizes and tactics by 5. Piloting is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to Piloting checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Constitution at character creation.

Proficiencies: Light armor, Basic and advanced melee weapons, small arms, and longarms
Nanite Array (Ex): As a move action, Bohdana can direct the nanites in her body to adopt one of three arrays. They maintain that array until she directs them to a different array, she falls unconscious, or she ends her turn more than 10 feet from the array.
Sheath Array: Bohdana’s nanites reinforce her body, granting her a +1 Enhancement bonus to Reflex saving throws, and a +1 insight bonus to two of the following skills, chosen when she forms the array: Acrobatics, Athletics, Sleight of Hand, or Stealth.
Gear Array: Bohdana’s nanites can shape themselves into a single piece of equipment, chosen from the following options: a tactical numbing beam, a standard longsword, a basic medkit, an engineering tool kit, or binder restraints. If Bohdana has the requisite number of hands free to wield them, she can grab and begin using them automatically. Otherwise, they float in her space for 1 round, and then drop. If the item requires a battery, Bohdana can have it absorb and automatically load one appropriately sized battery when she creates it. These items appear in Bohdana’s combat statistics and gear prefaced with “Gear Array.”
Cloud Array: Bohdana’s nanites can spread out in a faintly visible cloud that fills 4 contiguous squares, at least one of which must be adjacent to her. The cloud remains stationary, although Bohdana can reconfigure it as a move action, allowing her to move the cloud; one square must remain in the same space, but the rest can move to remain contiguous. When Bohdana takes a guarded step, she can move 10 feet (rather than 5 feet) as long as she begins and ends this movement either within or adjacent to the cloud.
Nanite Surge (Ex): Four times per day, Bohdana can empower her nanite arrays with a surge. Bohdana can use a Nanite Surge to form or switch a Nanite Array as a swift action. If Bohdana uses a Nanite Surge while creating a Sheath Nanite Array, she gains 1 temporary Hit Point. This temporary Hit Point is lost when her Sheath Array ends (if she hasn’t taken damage since she gained it.) If Bohdana uses a Nanite Surge when forming a Cloud Nanite Array, the Cloud provides concealment that grants a 10% miss chance; Bohdana’s attacks ignore this miss chance.
Reactive Repair (Ex): Bohdana can direct her nanites to reinforce herself or an ally. As a swift action, Bohdana can target herself, or an ally either adjacent to her, or adjacent or within her Cloud Array. For 1 minute, or until the target begins their turn no longer adjacent to her or adjacent to or within her cloud array, the target gains fast healing 1, except that the ability restores Stamina Points instead of Hit Points. Whenever the target regains a Stamina Point from this ability, they also gain 1 temporary Hit Point that stacks with temporary Hit Points gained from this ability, but not with other temporary Hit Points. When the effect ends, the target loses any temporary Hit Points gained from this ability.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A second-generation Protogen, 2PtG22 has rather slim, but also quite muscular build, as she was developed as a living weapon. Her fur is shorter, than usual, and is not quite as dense, allowing her to cool of easier.

Body Features

Bohdana lacks horns and has two sets of ears, two hands, two digitigrade legs and one medium-length tail.

Facial Features

Her visor is similar to the classic ones for Protogens, save for featuring retractable tungsten carbide teeth, used for both snapping wires and to assist with eating. In a pinch, those can also be used as a melee weapon.

Identifying Characteristics

Her displays show Ukrainian coat of arms.

Physical quirks

Sometimes might twitch and dive to the nearest cover upon hearing a loud boom.

Special abilities

Nanite manipulation, mostly focused on offensive uses. Was used to great effect during the war.

Apparel & Accessories

Ukrainian servicemen uniform, adapted for Protogen body.

Specialized Equipment

Replacement arms, legs and tails, including specialized ones.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

She was born in the secret Ukrainian biolab on the New Year 2022.   Originally intended as a full-on proof-of-concept to be shown to the world about nanite tech and bioforging, she had to be awakened before the VR training was over, as the war had come to Ukraine. In fact, when her growth tank was shattered by an artillery shell fragments, she simply laid on the floor, waiting for the simulation to restart, before her handlers had to drag her and 2PmG27 "Reef", bleeding, out of the lab and towards the BTR-4 "Bucephalus" escape vehicle.   For many months, she had to work together with Ukrainian TDF and soldiers, many of whom were somewhat distrustful towards such an entity, but she'd quickly proven her worth with her combat performance.   Unfortunately, somewhen near the end, she was wounded too much and had to be placed in a healing coma. It's not quite clear how, but she was forgotten about and spent many centuries in stasis, awakening only during the ASF era.   Unfortunately, sheer cultural drift ended up making her unable to find her place in this new Ukraine of the future. This ended up pushing both her and 2PmG27 "Reef" away - in case of Bohdana, towards the IXS faster-than-light ship program...

Gender Identity

Herm, but prefers female pronouns mostly due to being raised in the culture of 21st century Ukraine, when full hermaphroditism of sapients was all but unheard of.


Virtual reality, accelerated. Ended up socializing and learning more from Ukranians in 21st century and during the ASF age.


Currently works for the Two Minds.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Got the Order of Danylo Halytsky for her combat performance during the war.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was unable to see the end of the war and participate in the rebuilding of Ukraine.

Mental Trauma

PTSD from the war.

Intellectual Characteristics

Quite smart, capable of working as a pilot and engineer, stemming from her origins as an ultimate soldier.

Morality & Philosophy

Tries to keep herself within the bounds of humaneness, in order to avoid becoming like the people she fought against during the war.


Behaving like her enemies during the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Personality Characteristics


Searching for her place in the galaxy, helping Reeja Hestui, hoping to find help for Reef.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A bit inept socially due to origins as a supersoldier.   Capable combatant, engineer and combat vehicle systems operator.


Very strict with it, in part due to military upbringing.


Contacts & Relations

Reeja Nurana Hestui - her captain.   2PmG27 Reef - fellow 'Gen from the Russo-Ukrainian War, a bit like sibling.

Family Ties

None, aside from spiritual siblingship with 2PmG27 Reef.

Religious Views

Atheist, mostly because she thinks just deity wouldn't have allowed this war to happen and doesn't like idea of unjust deities.

Social Aptitude

Not very high, due to being designed as a supersoldier. However, she did manage to socialize with UAF and TDF a bit.


Loves to eat meat with bones.

Hobbies & Pets

Loves playing synthesizer.


"... Навіть не знаю, що сказати вам, любі... діточки? Чесно, не знаю. Так, вас виробили по моєму зразку, але в нас все-таки прямого зв'язку нема... І все-таки, я дуже рада, що ви можете жити в цій новій Україні майбутнього. Вибачте мене, будь ласка, що я не змогла допомогти їй тоді більше..."

Wealth & Financial state

Not much, aside from donations from ASF Protogens, who wanted to honor their progenitor.

A second-gen Protogen, created in secret Ukrainian biolabs before the Russo-Ukrainian War that's started in 2022. Was awakened during it, participated, then got wounded and was put into healing coma, before being forgotten.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"Bloody Tryzub"
Date of Birth
Ukraine, Biolab #542
Current Residence
IXS-010 H.G. Wells
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ну що, москалику, приїхав?"
Known Languages
Ukrainian, Russian, English, ASF common
The Tale of the H. G. Wells