Dmutros Otesh

Dmutros Otesh

Formerly a vesk soldier up there with the best of them, he dropped out at roughly the same time as the ruthless Kymag. After a few years of drifting and finding his way, he met up eventually with a fellow ex-soldier by the name of Bryges and settled down in Neo Ellyana, lucking out when a humble suburb house opened up for sale. In the years that followed, the two settled in, became close, and just as he was signing up as a Crowe Detective Agency, Aletak was born. With a renewed purpose, he took to detective work readily, becoming a stalwart, by-the-book investigator with a penchant for heavy longcoats and thick cigars. The local cuisine rubbed off on him eventually, and he found a taste for nachos. His peace wasn't to last, though, as it turns out Kymag had come to Takuvia as well, but to instigate more violence and mayhem as opposed to settle down. While he was in no position to start a crusade, he leaps at any opportunity to take a shot at Kymag, from cuffing one of his goons, or by denying him a successful looting.
Year of Birth
1041 ABO 38 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Faded red.
7' 3" (2.21m)
296 lbs (134.26kg)