Hera Alieva

Queen of Change Hera Alieva

0800/1300 XP
Herm Teshkava Themeless Biohacker 1
N Medium humanoid(subtype)
Init +1;Senses: -;Perception +3;
HP: 10(6 class + 4 racial) ; SP: 6(6 class + 0 Con) ; RP: 4 (half level(min 1) + 3 key ability)
EAC 12; KAC 13; (+1 Dex, +1 EAC, +2 KAC, +0 size)
Fort +2; Ref +1; Will +4
Defensive Abilities: -
Speed: 30 ft
Melee: unarmed strike +0(1d3+0 B nonlethal)
Ranged: pulsecaster pistol +1(1d4 E), pulsecaster rifle +1(1d6 E)
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Offensive Abilities: -
Str 11(+0), Dex 13(+1), Con 11(+0), Int 17(+3), Wis 16(+3), Cha 16(+3)
Base Atk +0;
Skills: : Diplomacy +7, Engineering +7, Medicine +8, Perception +7, Piloting +5, Stealth +2, Survival +2;
Feat: Double Draw
Languages: Common
Key Ability Score: Int
Other Abilities: biohacks (maximum 4), custom microlab (case), injection expert, fields of study (genetics), scientific method (studious)
Gear: akinzi resources toolkit, second skin, pulsecaster pistol, pulsecaster rifle, credstick(200 Cr)
  Faction track
Drekiri Remnants
Matris Cubiculum
  XP and Wealth Track
1000 credits to start off, 200 after starting expenditure
+100 XP for helping the Proculrimor
+200 XP for meeting and helping out the Matris Cubiculum
+100 XP for the negotiations with the Irrim rep.
+400 XP for the starship evasion and rescue of the Pariah crew.
  Skill Calculation
Acrobatics +0 rank(s) (+1[DEX], +0 class[ ] +0 misc -0 ACP) = +1 Athletics +0 rank(s) (+0[STR], +0 class[ ] +0 misc -0 ACP) = +0   Bluff +0 rank(s) (+3[CHA], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Computers +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[INT], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Culture +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[INT], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Diplomacy +1 rank(s) (+3[CHA], +3 class[✓] +0 misc) = +7   Disguise +0 rank(s) (+3[CHA], +0 class[ ] +0 misc) = +3   Engineering +1 rank(s)[trained] (+3[INT], +3 class[✓] +0 misc) = +7   Intimidate +0 rank(s) (+3[CHA], +0 class[ ] +0 misc) = +3   Life Science +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[INT], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +4   Medicine +1 rank(s)[trained] (+3[INT], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +8   Mysticism +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[WIS], +0 class[ ] +0 misc) = +3   Perception +1 rank(s) (+3[WIS], +3 class[✓] +0 misc) = +7   Physical Science +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[INT], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +4   Piloting +1 rank(s) (+1[DEX], +3 class[✓] +0 misc) = +5   Profession( actor, artist, comedian, con artist, courtesan, dancer, musician, orator, poet, politician, video personality, and writer ) +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[CHA], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Profession( accountant, archaeologist, architect, corporate professional, electrician, lab technician, lawyer, mathematician, philosopher, professor, psychologist, and vidgamer ) +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[INT], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Profession( bounty hunter, cook, counselor, dockworker, farmer, gambler, general contractor, herbalist, maintenance worker, manager, mercenary, merchant, miner, and smuggler ) +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+3[WIS], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Sense Motive +0 rank(s) (+3[WIS], +3 class[✓] +0 misc) = +3   Sleight of Hand +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+1[DEX], +0 class[✓] +0 misc) = +1   Stealth +1 rank(s) (+1[DEX], +0 class[ ] +0 misc -0 ACP) = +2   Survival +1 rank(s) (+1[WIS], +0 class[ ] +0 misc) = +2

Born as a human in ASF, shi grew up to be a transformation specialist and developed many a transformation serum for hir own purposes, as well as for sale

View Character Profile
Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
2.3 m
Fancy's Forays