Hisa Katotashu

Hisa Katotashu

Heir to an honorable and noble lineage, proud and upstanding in her own right. Unfortunately, she inherited an ancient rivalry on top of all the honor and accolades. Nishiko Keirada, the latest heir to the Keirada house, is one of the most antagonistic of their line, and so agitated Hisa with provocation after provocation, until the honorable warrior marred her reputation by cutting down Nishiko. This wasn't the last, though, as years later, Nishiko would have her revenge. Hisa was caught off-guard one night, and in a blur of events, she was mortally wounded, left to die while her home and family burned to the ground. Clinically dead for the better part of an evening, when she reawoke, everything felt colder, more distant. With a body reforged, losing much of herself, she lives again, loathing her lot in life but set with a burning hunger to see vengeance carried out.
Year of Birth
1041 ABO 38 Years old
6' 05"
134 lbs(formerly), 180 lbs(cyberized)