
Alternatively known as Datamorphs, these are an oddity that cropped up a short time after the Blackout. The infomorph is a creature composed of data transmuted into flesh and blood, and is more than capable of, after a short concentration, jump back into the datascape.


A strange concept for the organic mind, these are rough analogs to our physical world, often matching geography and general layouts of its various structures. Where the net is sparse or completely absent, a stretch of untamed land takes the same approximate space. Where there's loads of galactanet connections, a sprawling urban landscape springs, though, this does not guarantee a proportionate number of infomorphs to occupy the space.
On the outskirts of a planet's network, a formation known as the Fringe exists, manifesting as a series of wireframe cubes that drift gradually further and further apart. The space between the fringe proper and the rest of the datascape is an oddity, as the ground's 'texture' loses opacity until it's fully either transparent or gone. Contrary to appearances, though, the surfaces of the cubes are still solid, and can be traversed, but the space below the cubes is an endless data limbo.
  See also: Infomorph(species)