Jacqueline Knight

Jacqueline Knight (a.k.a. Jackie)

Princess of drekiri royalty, hailing from Drekiheimur itself. She and her mother were forced to flee the planet when the Sirahmaot invaded, while her father stayed back to hold the line for the shuttles to escape. The escape wasn't without cost, as Jackie's right arm wound up brutally mangled by one of the undead legion's more vicious beasts. She nearly lost all function of her arm, and needed to graft machinery over her ruined scales, torn muscles, and snapped bone, though in the process of doing so, and through the pain, she learned a good deal about how the machines work.
Early into the escape, her shuttle was intercepted in Crux space, and she was made to endure a grueling arena gauntlet, but it was here that she met Fallis Imarioth.
Jackie Statblock
Jacqueline Knight CR 1/2 (XP 200)
Female Draconian Biotech Mechanic 1
N Medium humanoid(draconic)
Init +2;Senses: darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision;Perception -1;


EAC 12, KAC 13 (+2 Dex, +0 EAC, +1 KAC)
HP: 12(6 class + 6 racial) ; SP: 7(6 class + 1 Con) ; RP: 4 (half level(min 1) + 3 key ability)
Fort +3; Ref +4; Will -1
Defensive Abilities: -


Speed: 30 ft, fly 15 ft(clumsy)
Melee: unarmed strike +1(1d3+1 B nonlethal), claws +1(1d3+1 S)
Ranged: azimuth laser pistol +2(1d4 F, 80 ft range, crit: burn 1d4)
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Offensive Abilities: -


Str 13(+1) Dex 14(+2) Con 12(+1) Int 16(+3) Wis 09(-1) Cha 11(+0)
Base Atk +0;
Skills: Engineering +7, Life Science +4, Physical Science +7, Piloting +6, Sense Motive +0, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3
Feat: percussive maintenance
Languages: Takuvian(Common), Draconic, Ranedian
Key Ability Score: Int
Other Abilities: bypass +1
Gear: custom rig, consumer backpack, personal comm unit, everyday clothing, gear maintenance kit, standard battery(2), survival knife(3), a strange circlet, flight suit stationwear, azimuth laser pistol, Kiliax Deadlock collar(loaded with 100KP), credstick(411 Cr)
Augmentations: prosthetic limb(right arm)
Crafting materials: 50 UPB


Consumer Backpack i. lvl: 1; price: 3; capacity: -; usage: -; bulk: 1; When wearing a properly fitted consumer backpack, you treat your Strength score as 1 higher for the purpose of determining your carrying capacity.
Personal Comm Unit i. lvl: 1; price: 7; capacity: 80; usage: 1/hour; bulk: L; A personal comm unit is pocket-sized device that combines a minor portable computer (treat as a tier-0 computer with no upgrades or modules) and a cellular communication device, allowing wireless communication with other comm units in both audio- and text-based formats at planetary range (see page 272). A personal comm unit also includes a calculator, a flashlight (increases the light level one step in a 15-foot cone), and several entertainment options (including games and access to any local infospheres).
Everyday Clothing i. lvl: 1; price: 1; capacity: -; usage: -; bulk: L; Simple clothing tailored to her specifications.
Hygiene Kit i. lvl: 1; price: 3; capacity: -; usage: -; bulk: 1; This kit contains brushes, files, and an assortment of scale-care oils designed for a draconian to keep in tip-top shape.
Gear Maintenance Kit i. lvl: 1; price: 5; capacity: -; usage: -; bulk: L; This kit contains tools to maintain most common equipment. It includes a canister of lubricating oil, several small drivers and wrenches, armor polish, an armor cleansing agent with a citrus aroma, and a UPB pen that can repair small cracks, dents, scuffs, and other signs of wear and tear in most types of gear. A UPB pen can hold 1 UPB, which is enough to repair cosmetic damage on any one item.
Standard Battery(2) i. lvl: 1; price: 60; capacity: 20; usage: -; bulk: L; Batteries charge powered weapons, but they can also be used to power an array of items, including powered armor and technological items. Batteries have a standardized size and weight, and items that take batteries all have a slot into which they fit, regardless of the item's actual size. Weapons that use batteries list the highest-capacity battery they are capable of using as well as how many charges from the battery that each shot consumes.
Azimuth Laser Pistol i. lvl: 1; price: 350; bulk: L; damage: 1d4 F; range: 80 ft; critical: burn 1d4; capacity: 20; usage: 1; special: -;


Standard Prosthetic Limb i. lvl: 1; price: 100; System: Right Arm; This prosthesis replaces a missing limb. It restores functionality, but it is no more durable than and doesn't otherwise function differently than a normal limb for your species. A prosthetic limb can replace one you've lost, or you can have a limb removed in order to replace it with a prosthetic. This prosthetic technically terminates at the wrist, where a sophisticated array of connection points rests. Her drone interfaces and serves as her hand when not independently active.


Percussive Maintenance: You excel at the tried-and-true repair technique of delivering a solid whack at just the right spot to get malfunctioning technology to work. Once per day, you can reroll an Engineering check to repair an item. In addition, you can reroll one engineer crew action per starship combat.
Biotechnician (+1 Int) You are a biotech researcher or avid user of such tech, constantly seeking out or developing new biotechnologies and combining existing augmentations with advancements in other fields. You might be a member of the Augmented, a researcher in one of Bretheda's cutting-edge biotech corporations, a spellcasting genetomancer blending biotechnology with magic, or even a voluntary test subject for new augmentations. Either way, you have taken a strong hand in your own evolution.
Theme Knowledge (1st Level): You have a sharp mind for the intricacies of biotech augmentations and keep up-to-date on current research in the field, whether because you work to develop such technology or because you are the beneficiary of biotech augmentations- or, most likely, both. Reduce the DC of Life Science checks to identify biotech augmentations and to recall knowledge about famous biotech corporations and researchers by 5. Medicine is a class skill for you, though if it is a class skill from the class you take at 1st level, you instead gain a +1 bonus to your Medicine checks. In addition, you gain an ability adjustment of +1 to Intelligence at character creation.
Draconic Vision: Draconian gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet and low-light vision, meaning they can see in dim light as if it were normal light. Wings: At level 1, these wings may only be used for gliding, and brief 15 feet bouts of flight with clumsy maneuverability, and the draconian must always land at the end of each round. At 5th level, the movement rises to 30 feet, with average maneuverability. By 8th level, the draconian may finally end their turn mid-air.
Proficiencies: Light armor. Basic melee weapons, grenades, small arms. Artificial intelligence: You construct an artificial intelligence (or AI), a sophisticated program of self-motivated code that you can access for help in a variety of endeavors. This AI is the product of your own genius, far more advanced and complicated than any available for sale to consumers (though it falls short of being truly self-aware), and only you know the secrets of its creation and operation. Your AI can take one of two forms: a drone or an exocortex. You must pick one of these forms upon taking your first level of mechanic, and once this choice is made, it cannot be changed.
Drone: You begin play with a powerful robotic drone to house your AI. You build and control this drone, which accompanies you on your adventures and is capable of combat, espionage, and other specialized tasks. As you gain levels, your drone advances in sophistication and gain additional abilities. While the value of your drone is immense, only you, with your extensive knowledge of its quirks and security measures, can ever hope to operate or repair it. Drones are detailed in Drones beginning on page 74. Bypass: You are skilled at getting inside computer systems and electronic devices. At 1st level, you gain a +1 insight bonus to Computers and Engineering skill checks. At 5th level, every 4 levels thereafter, and at 20th level, this bonus increases by 1.
Custom Rig: You have created a customized toolkit you can use to hack systems and items. Your custom rig can be configured to take up an upgrade slot on your armor or can be installed as a cybernetic augmentation system in your brain (though it can be combined with a datajack for the same price as installing a datajack normally), your eyes, or an arm. For more information on augmentations, see Chapter 7: Equipment. Alternatively, you can configure it to be a handheld device, meaning that you must retrieve it and hold it to use it effectively. While using this rig, you always count as having the appropriate tool or basic kit for any Computers or Engineering skill check you attempt. Some mechanic tricks (see page 71) and drone mods (see page 77) require the use of a custom rig. In addition, you can use your custom rig as a Mk I comm unit (see Chapter 7: Equipment). Finally, if you have a drone, you can use your custom rig to communicate over an encrypted channel with your drone to issue commands to its AI or directly control it at a range of 2,500 feet.
If your custom rig is damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen, you can kitbash a new one from any engineering kit, hacking kit, or other technological toolkit, reconfiguring the materials into a new custom rig with 1 hour of work. You can have only one custom rig at a time. If you create a new custom rig, your old one functions as a normal toolkit of whatever type you made it from and can no longer be used with your mechanic tricks.
  Drone Statblock
Jackie's Right Hand CR 1/2 (XP 200)
The darker hand of Jacqueline, this sleek, light-absorbing alloy-clad drone has hitchings at its backend for attaching to its master's prosthetic wrist. This drone specializes in stealth and infiltration and can vanish almost entirely from sight as long as it remains perfectly still.
Stealth Drone 1
N Small construct
EAC 12, KAC 14 (+2 Dex, +0 EAC, +2 KAC)
HP: 10;
Fort +0; Ref +4; Will +0
Speed: 40 ft, climb 20 ft
Melee: -
Ranged: -
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Str 12(+1) Dex 14(+2) Con --(--) Int 06(-2) Wis 10(+0) Cha 06(-2)
Base Atk +1;
Skills: Stealth +3
Feat: Deadly Aim
Mods: climbing claws, reactive camouflage, weapon mount, camera
Basic Mods - 1st Level: You can choose any of the mods on the basic mod list whenever your drone gains a new mod. Unless otherwise specified, you cannot install a single mod more than once. The list of basic mods appears starting on page 77.
Climbing Claws (Ex): Your drone gains a climb speed equal to half its land speed. This mod can be applied to only combat and stealth drones.
Reactive Camouflage (Ex): Your drone is equipped with a thin coating that can change color to match the drone's surroundings. Whenever your drone stays stationary for 1 round, it gains a +10 bonus to Stealth checks (this bonus doesn't stack with the invisibility spell or similar effects). If your drone takes any action, it loses this bonus until it once again spends 1 round remaining still.
Weapon Mount (Ex): You can affix a small arm or another one-handed ranged weapon on your drone, allowing it to wield that weapon and attack with it. This weapon cannot be disarmed. Mounting a longarm, a heavy weapon, or another two-handed ranged weapon requires two weapon mounts. A weapon mount can hold up to two batteries, two magazines, or two of another type of ammunition for the affixed weapon, provided this ammunition is of light bulk or less. Multiple weapon mounts used to affix a single two-handed weapon count as a single weapon mount for the purpose of how much ammunition it can hold. The drone reloads these batteries or magazines automatically, which takes the usual amount of time for the weapon. Spent batteries or magazines are stored within the drone. You can replace all of a weapon mount's batteries or magazines as a move action. You must purchase separately or already have the weapon and ammunition for use with a weapon mount. You can replace the weapon with any other weapon that meets the criteria for your mount (for example, if you have two weapon mounts, you could replace a longarm with a heavy weapon). Swapping out a weapon in a weapon mount requires use of your custom rig and 1 hour of work. You can select this mod multiple times, each time adding an additional weapon mount to the drone.
Limited AI (Ex) - 1st Level: Each round on your turn, after you have acted, your drone can take either a move action or a standard action to attack (your drone doesn't make a separate initiative roll). You must be able to issue simple commands to your drone, but you don't have to spend actions to issue these commands. To receive these commands, your drone must be able to see or hear you or be within range of your custom rig. If you become unconscious or otherwise unresponsive, or if your drone is ever out of range, your drone cannot take any actions until you are again able to command it or it is once more within range.
Master Control (Ex) - 1st Level: As a move action, you can directly control your drone. This allows the drone to take both a move action and any standard action this turn (one from your control, and one from its limited AI). If you also take a swift action, your drone can take a swift action as well, or it can combine its actions into a full action. Your drone must be able to see or hear you, or be within range of your custom rig, for you to directly control your drone.
Skill Unit (Ex) - 1st Level: Choose one of the following skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Computers, Engineering, Perception, or Stealth. This is a class skill for your drone, and it gains a number of ranks in the chosen skill equal to your class level. Your drone can use this skill when not under your direct control. You can change your drone's skill unit whenever you rebuild your drone from scratch. Additionally, whenever you are directly controlling your drone, it can use any of your skill ranks if you wish, assuming it has the appropriate tools to do so (a drone without manipulator arms cannot use Engineering to disable a device, for example).
Additional Mods:
Camera (Ex): Your drone has a camera that you can see through using your custom rig as long as your drone is within range. The camera has ordinary sight, and is capable of seeing whatever an ordinary human could see. The camera can also record up to 1 hour of footage, which can be downloaded and viewed using your custom rig.
Deadly Aim(Drone Combat Feat): Your can strike your enemies' weak points and deal more damage. When you take the attack or full attack action with weapons (including a solarian's solar manifestation, but not spells or other special abilities of any kind), you can take a -2 penalty to your attack rolls. If you do, those attacks deal additional damage equal to half your base attack bonus (minimum 1).
XP and wealth track
started off 411cr
+300 XP for the first bout in the arena
Gained a strange metal card from the body of a bandit.

Heir to the Drekiri throne, left with her kin in a mass exodus as the Sirahmaot marched into the Drakonis Spine sector.

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1037 ABO 42 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Grey scales, white belly, and silvery fur
5' 10"(177.8cm)
~180 lbs(82 kg) estimated