R18 (ARR-ayy-teen)


You ask, why am I called R18? Funny that you mention that.   You see, I'm an interspecies adoptee. My stepfather was a Primagen, under the name 2PmG27 Reef. He's the one who raised me. And he, much like me, was called after a weapon - unlike me, whoever, who was called after a wildly successful combat drone, he was named after a failed self-propelled artillery prototype.   And on how we've got together... he rescued my egg from the egg oven in Sarna, when it fell under the necropuppetry plague. He did meet with my parents before this, so it wasn't quite easy for him, but he still did - in part because he remembered, how much they've cherished their child and tried to save at least someone.   For that, I am grateful to him... and I don't really feel bad about him having to deal with mom and dad. I've seen his memories of them before and after. What he did to their plague-puppeteered corpses was a mercy and a final dignity they could have.   After that... we were on the run, ensuring the necropuppetry plague didn't escape anywhere else and cauterizing any possible ways of escape. That was the time he taught me about survival, about his memories of the war he was born in and of how to use my skills efficiently.   For my tenth birthday, he gave me the rifle, which he called 'Snipex MONOMAKH', also claiming he did some adjustments on it. I mean, it's a very, very good rifle, especially given it managing to withstand the abuse it goes through due to me lacking proper consumables for it, so... I am very grateful to him for.   Unfortunately, around a year or so ago, after his stamina was declining for quite some time... he vanished. And I really want to find out, why did that happen.
— R18 explaining her history
R18 CR 1/2 (XP 200)
Herm Fujiokan Dragonblood Operative 1
N Medium humanoid(fujiokan, elder)
Init +3;Senses: low-light vision;Perception +6;
HP: 12(6 class + 6 racial SP: 7(6 class + 1 Con RP: 3 (half level(min 1) + 2 key ability)
EAC 12; KAC 13;(+2 Dex, +0 EAC, +1 KAC, +0 size)
Fort +1; Ref +4; Will +3
Defensive Abilities: +4 AC against attack of opportunities
Speed: 30 ft, fly 30 ft*
Melee: unarmed strike +1(1d3+1 B nonlethal), steel hunter blade +2(1d6+1 S), dual steel hunter blades -2/-2 (1d6+1 S/1d6+1 S)
Ranged: monomakh +2(2d4 P, 100 ft, 5 rounds)
Space: 5 ft; Reach 5 ft
Offensive Abilities: natural thrust(3/day, 1d6 F, burn 1d4 on crit)
Str 13(+1), Dex 15(+2), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 11(+0)
Skills: ;
Base Atk +0;
Feat: Mobility
Languages: Common, Fujiokan
Key Ability Score: Dex
Other Abilities: ghost specialization
Gear: monomakh, sniper rounds(45), estex suit, survey map(planetary), flare gun, flare(2), steel hunter blade(2), smith's tools, normal ammo(10), coin pouch(125z)
Crafting Materials: Small Bone Husk(10), Needleberry(10)
Special Abilities
Operative’s Edge (Ex) - 1st Level: Your diverse training as an operative grants you a +1 insight bonus to initiative checks and to skill checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter.
Specialization - 1st Level: Your specialization represents your primary area of expertise. Pick one specialization upon taking your 1st level of the operative class. Once made, this choice cannot be changed. Descriptions of the specializations appear on page 94. Your specialization grants you the Skill Focus feat (see page 161) in your specialization’s associated skills, and you gain a free skill rank in each of those skills at each operative level (this does not allow you to exceed the maximum number of skill ranks in a single skill).
Ghost Specialization: You can move from place to place without being noticed.
Associated Skills: Acrobatics and Stealth. When you use Stealth to make a trick attack, you gain a +1 bonus to the skill check.
  Trick Attack (Ex) - 1st Level: You can trick or startle a foe and then attack when she drops her guard. As a full action, you can move up to your speed. Whether or not you moved, you can then make an attack with a melee weapon with the operative special property or with any small arm. Just before making your attack, attempt a Bluff, Intimidate, or Stealth check (or a check associated with your specialization; see page 94) with a DC equal to 20 + your target’s CR. If you succeed at the check, you deal 1d4 additional damage and the target is flat-footed against your attack. This damage increases to 1d8 at 3rd level, to 3d8 at 5th level, and by an additional 1d8 every 2 levels thereafter. You can’t use this ability with a weapon that has the unwieldy special property or that requires a full action to make a single attack.
  Skill Calculation
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Intelligence modifier
Acrobatics +8
◊ +1 rank(s) (+2[DEX], +3 class[✓] +3 insight +0 misc -1 ACP) = +8
  Athletics +5
◊ +1 rank(s) (+1[STR], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc -1 ACP) = +5
  Bluff +1
◊ +0 rank(s) (+0[CHA], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +1
  Computers +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Culture +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Diplomacy +5
◊ +1 rank(s) (+0[CHA], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +5
  Disguise +5
◊ +1 rank(s) (+0[CHA], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +5
  Engineering +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Intimidate +5
◊ +1 rank(s) (+0[CHA], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +5
  Life Science +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Medicine +7
◊ +1 rank(s)[trained] (+2[INT], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +7
  Mysticism +2
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+1[WIS], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +2
  Perception +6
◊ +1 rank(s) (+1[WIS], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +6
  Physical Science +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Piloting +3
◊ +0 rank(s) (+2[DEX], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Profession( actor, artist, comedian, con artist, courtesan, dancer, musician, orator, poet, politician, video personality, and writer ) +1
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+0[CHA], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +1
  Profession( accountant, archaeologist, architect, corporate professional, electrician, lab technician, lawyer, mathematician, philosopher, professor, psychologist, and vidgamer ) +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[INT], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Profession( bounty hunter, cook, counselor, dockworker, farmer, gambler, general contractor, herbalist, maintenance worker, manager, mercenary, merchant, miner, and smuggler ) +2
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+1[WIS], +0 class[ ] +1 insight +0 misc) = +2
  Sense Motive +5
◊ +1 rank(s) (+1[WIS], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +5
  Sleight of Hand +3
◊ +0 rank(s)[untrained] (+2[DEX], +0 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +3
  Stealth +7
◊ +1 rank(s) (+2[DEX], +3 class[✓] +3 insight +0 misc -1 ACP) = +7
◊ +1 rank(s) (+1[WIS], +3 class[✓] +1 insight +0 misc) = +6
XP and Wealth track
0900/1300 XP
1000z starting
+200 XP for the slain velociprey
+75z for helping with the velociprey
-5z to purchase Erhaqui's gear maintenance kit
+20z for the speed test.
+400 XP for the slaying of a velocidrome
+300 XP for helping to run off the little guys.
-5z for meal after the caravan assist.
  Fuel Track
Fuel Rules: Both supplies are based around Constitution. The formula for both fuels is: 2+1/2 character level(min 1)+Constitution modifier, with each point equating to 60 feet of movement, but launching skyward is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity. Long Range Fuel is used for duration rather than distance, with each point equating to approximately 3-4 minutes of flight. She can treat her Resolve points as reserve fuel, but will become Fatigued(SF Core p.276) for a number of hours equal to the number of Resolve points consumed this way, after landing. For R18, her fuel supplies are 4 regular, and 4 long range.
  Standard Fuel: Chemical-derived fuel source. Used for both starting a launch, and for sustaining shorter range flights.
◇ 4/4 Standard
Long Range Fuel(Ramjet): Fueled by unusual reactions, typically derived from the consumption of a Fujiokan local berry.
◇ 4/4 Long Range
Current Location