Taeta Dianan

Taeta Signeit Dianan

Last daughter of a Batavian pagan lineage, she and her ilk were exiled from Ambracia, labeled as dissenters.
  XP Tracker
+75 for slaying 1x "chimera".
2 'Chimera's' and 4 'vermin': 75xp, 75xp, 25xp, 25xp, 25xp, 25xp
150 XP for slaying a group of Chimera, including the Resilient Bugger.
  575 + 400 + 150 = 1125
  Ammo Tracker
22/25 Shells (initial)
25/25 Shells (resupply)
  19/20 Small Arms Round

Last daughter of a Batavian pagan lineage, she and her ilk were exiled from Ambracia, labeled as dissenters.

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
1047 ABO 32 Years old
Yellow, almost glowing iris with white sclera. One eye is covered
Naturally white hair, dyed purple; shoulder-length and wild in style
5' 10" (177.80cm)
165 lbs (74.84274kg)



The Journey Hence

Getting situated here, I'm starting a log on my comm-unit. Turns out, the big job is on some oven of a planet. Stepping off the dropship, I just about baked damn near instantly. Thank Nyaptah that the interior is somehow shielded, and even air-conditioned, arms were killing me after hefting that crate of supplies. Matisi, the kobold(?) leader of the mission, it seems, introduced us to the shudrae, Sindre- guy seems to have experienced some hell of his own, got no legs to speak of. After getting acquainted, we started our journey into the facility through a reinforced door, and some aging stairs. The first journey into the unknown was a sure, swift reminder that this wasn't going to be a walk in the park. Damage to the stairs, to the walls, to the lights, and piles of gore strewn about the first room. The first living thing we encountered was... a horrifying blend of Palaxian species- mousefolk face, shudrae ear (yes, just one), and the general physical constitution of any ol' humanoid species. Its mouth, though. Its mouth... way too many teeth. Combine that with the fact that it came rushing at us, Rimanah and I had to gun the thing down. Went down, found a power station at the behest of a sub-objective- an objective that we discovered wasn't instated by Matisi or Sindre, as they had been catching up on food at the time. Once Rimanah got the power stabilized, something came roaring out from a nearby room. Then came the rolling darkness, approaching the hybrid beast we'd just felled. Just about had a heart-attack when I thought the creature was hammering at the door leading to our 'mission control' team. Thank goodness it wasn't, but damn. After that scare, we discovered that this section was still the AMG part of the facility. Beyond a large, thick door, we first stepped foot into the Wings Of The Future part; cavernous, strange blue material making up the walls, and dim blue lighting. Not proud, but I stuck my hand into the slot of a terminal. Weirdest of all, that seems to have been what I was supposed to do. My wrist-comp received a code, which I soon discovered is an invite code. Apparently it got paired with my biometrics. Neat. Before retracting my hand, I got a door opened up. Right about then, though, Rimanah, with mission control's blessings, overrode the door, and called it open. Door started to open, make no mistake, but unfortunately it came with a blaring, loud alarm, which drew the attention of the creatures behind the door. Had to scramble to catch up with Rimanah, as we both ran into the newly opened door. We turned, started taking down the horde, but another door inside of this new hallway opened up, and a panicked occupant ushered us in. A squirrel-folk, bloodied and crazed, but, sanctuary is sanctuary. Door got closed, I found my home on the floor to catch my breath. Found a terminal in this side room, so while talking with our new friend, I managed to shut off the alarm. After that, we decided to escort the squirrel to the safe zone, discovered that the creatures that had chased us horribly cannibalized themselves after the door was closed. Gonna be thinking on that one for a while. Rimanah, the squirrel, and I, decided to hunker down in the safe zone for the night. Update soon.