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The world of Aquorra is divided up into four continents, all based upon the four corners of the great Vortex. The Great Vortex is a massive whirlpool that exists in the center of the Ocean and acts as a great divide between the two lands to the East and West. The four Great Continents are as follows, to the North West lay the misty mountains and ardent green pastures of Ianantis. To the North East lay the Tundra forests and volcano blasted lands of Bafune. The South East lay the dusted deserts and the dominant jungles of Odela. Lastly to the South West lay the dark forests and dank swamps of Tapai. All four continents are home to different kingdoms and countries, filled with politics, war, and turmoil.   Ianatis is a land of great wealth, lordships, and Naval might! They're large sprawling fields yield amazing crop harvests every season, while their Mountain ranges are a host to the greatest gold mines in the world. While their great sprawling rivers whose banks reach out upon the four Seas, allow their trade ships free reign across the entire world. This huge trade market is where most of their great wealth comes from, allowing them to build huge elaborate Castles and forts as a display of their power. However while the Humans rule the Valleys and lower mountains, the mighty Dwarven Empire rules over the Mountain and the Earth they are based upon. Great underground cities called Karak's is where the Dwarves call their homes, and it is from these Karak's that Gold and Silver flow.   Bafune the Harsh Northland where few dare to venture, those who do are either the bravest of souls or lacking intelligence and this does not even speak for those who call this land their Home. In the northern snow blasted Tundra forest's one will find the Mighty High Elves whose sleek white towers and elegant civilization has mastered the lands harsh cold, utilizing it's affects to stave off would be invaders. While their Human Southern neighbors who have mastered a nomadic lifestyle within the volcanic hellscapes they call home. One may wonder what use this harsh continent may provide, and why any would be foolish enough to continue to live there you better yet try to invade. But that answer is simple, Bafune has the greatest deposits of Etherium in all the Eight realms thus giving them the close to a monopoly on the rare gas crystal.   Odela's golden shores lay to the South East, it is here you can find vast deserts and beautiful yet deadly jungles. Upon the sandy arid deserts you will find the mighty Dragonborn Citadels, sprawling across the mighty deserts, a land only they are equip to master. While to their south within the Harsh jungles lay the tribal villages of Humans and Tabaxi, somehow taming the most deadly forests in the world. Though the great efforts of the jungle and Desert are well worth it for the materials unique to their continent that cannot be found anywhere else, along with the strongest warriors means that none dare to appose them.   Lastly there is the lands of Tapai, whose vast forests and swampy marshes hold the lands mysterious secrets and past. Along the marshy dank swamps one will find a lively rural society of Humans and Halflings, while within the dark wooded forest one will find a society of Wood Elves ruling over the forest preventing any from entering. Not much is known about what happens within the Dark Forest, but at least the Elves keep to themselves. While along the swampy marches to the North Peat mines, and the fishing trade ensure a tough but fulfilling life. But there is one other stark benefit to the swamps of Tapai, and that is the gunpowder and firearms it produces giving it a stark benefit over more developed civilizations.   While the lands of Aquorra can be harsh and deadly, it is a world of opportunity, wonders, and adventure! Enter into this wild world to experience it's Political games, war and conflicts, and dark malicious plots!