Llewyn Organization in Ara | World Anvil



Llewyn was the name given to the central kingdom founded by House Leoic after the former Sotteran Empire revealed they would not be rebuilding their previous imperial states. Most of Llewyn's land was once known as Porio when it belonged to the Sotteran Empire though the political boundaries were altered slightly during the formation of the new kingdom.  


Llewyn is located in middle Waesyn and is a land-locked country and like most of middle Waesyn has a temperate climate. Despite being land-locked Llewyn has many grand lakes and rivers the flow throughout the territory. While not as mountainous as Rhoda, Bleakpoint or many other territories of Waesyn; Llewyn does have a grand peak in the center of the kingdom called Aramore Peak.


A warm front hits Llewyn from the west that gives them dry and humid summers though they still retain average Waesynian temperate weather throughout the rest of the year. Northern Llewyn has particularly tough winters due to it's proximity to Villia which contrast south Llewyn having a short-lived snow season. While Llewyn has no shortage of water due to all of the fresh water lakes and rivers they have the lowest amount of average precipitation in Waesyn besides Karthyn and Nossia-- which causes the autumn and spring months to be quite dry despite not being particularly warm.

Flora and Fauna

Main Article: Wildlife of Llewyn While Llewyn certainly has it's share of "exclusive" creatures that primarily roam it's lands; due to it's location between four vastly different territories many other species typically found in other territories will roam into Llewyn and manage to survive. The Small-tooth Lynx is thought to be an result of either an ancestor of the Sabre-Lynx or Sabre-Lynx themselves wandering into Llewyn and adapting to the dry season.   Flora in Llewyn has to be able to survive in it's dry climate. Plants that grow near lakes and rivers will find success in growing but the lack of rainfall isn't kind to a lot of flowers and crops. Maze, Wynish olives and Pinned Peaches have proven to be very successful crops in Llewyn.


The kingdom of Llewyn is, and always has been, run by a Theocratic Monarch. The Royal line is a descendant of House Leoic and can trace their roots back to their ancestors who left Vel to come to Waesyn. Members of the royal family are thought to have a close link to the cosmos and thus are believed to be empowered by the Cosmonious itself. The practice of cosmic charting, something unique to Llewyn, determines what deity was present during a birth. It is commonly believed that whatever deity was present during the monarchs birth will dictate how they lead.   The monarch of Llewyn has a Synedrium, or assembly, that gather at a temple located at Aramore Peak. The Synedrium's speaker is the 'Sapphire Sansone' who also acts as a religious leader for Llewyn and is the self-proclaimed leader of the Cosmonious belief on Ara. The Synedrium is primarily made of religious leaders, politicians and army figureheads.  


Llewyn has a very steady economy that has relied on the consistent trade between Villia and Zuton since the country was formed. It is notable as being one of two non-Villian countries to have a auric royal mint housed in it's borders-- something that has always caused a rivalry between the kingdoms of Rhoda and Shura. Despite a brief period in the second cycle where the monarch tried to implement their own national currency Llewyn has always supported the auric system and while they may disagree with many other Waesynian countries and territories on various matters, has always chosen to try and keep the continent united at least thru their currency.    Many of the crops in Llewyn grow exclusively in it's dry climates making them a desirable trade partner. Products like their maze and olives are produced year-round. Various baked goods and wines are also made in Llewyn and exported to other countries. Even the Dahlians have been notable trade partners due to the Wynish exclusive sour peach. Llewyn's largest livestock export is the Worchian a large bovine creature that is used for transportation, battle and meat.   


Citizens of Llewyn call themselves Wynish or Wyn. It has the most "taxed" land out of any territory or country in Waesyn making it very difficult to live off the land or in the wilderness without paying some sort of tribute to a governing power. This also means many who settle in Llewyn are forced to adopt citizenship to reduce this taxation-- as such most citizens simply declare themselves Wynish. The only exception to this is the Minoan who live in the lands beneath.


As with most of the primian kingdom that were founded during the second cycle the population boomed after the kingdom was officially born. Llewyn makes a maticulous count of it's citizens and has a "preferred" number of children allowed in a family that is recommended by officials to allow families to stay above the poverty line and still contribute to society. While the child-auditing isn't technically something families must abide by it can lead to social stunning if the suggested family size is neglected.   The primary humanoid species of Llewyn are Primians that identify as Wynish though due to the consistant wars with Shura many make note of their "Shuran ancestry" if it applies-- especially on the eastern border. Many Sotterans and Dahlians find themselves relocating to Llewyn due to the ease of immigration. The Saureete of Mount Kerakor, known as the Brekor, have a unique relationship with the Wynish government. Saureete who complete the Brekor trial and gain citizenship as a Brekor also claim citizenship as a Wynish citizenship if they choose assuming they complete the correct paperwork. This is not required however and a Brekor may simply choose to be a Brekor. The Brekor have a special relationship with the Wynish army and the two are strong allies.  


With Llewyn being theocratic and the Cosmonious Sapphire Sansone residing within the Kingdom they are known for taking the Cosmonious very seriously. It is common for many deities to have their own place of worship as well as a cathedral dedicated to the Cosmonious as a whole as well. Cosmic charting is a common talking point that is revealed only a short time after meeting someone new. Most importantly all magic that isn't cosmic is illegal within the borders of Llewyn with the only exceptions being those who are of the Brekor and those who have a writ or officiated license-- which are seldom handed out and often only given to renown mercenaries.   
