Up to 6 may compete. Each chooses a piece to represent: Pawn, bishop, knight, rook, queen, king. When you are ready, an enchanted helm will be placed on your head. You will find yourself on a giant chess board. You will represent all the pieces of your chosen type. If there are under 6 players, a ‘monster’ of appropriate level must be chosen to compete in the place of each unoccupied token.
Any damage taken will not be inflicted on your physical body, though it will feel like it while you are playing. Any magic or abilities used, however, will be drawn from your own reserves. Your hit points will be divided by the number of pieces you represent (pawns will have you HP/8, bishops HP/2 etc.). All your other stats apply. You have five minutes to discuss who will play as what and decide on your strategy.
You can speak to the other team and use any skills or items you may have.
All other chess and D&D rules apply.
Turn order is the same as chess, one team then the other. Challengers get the first move. The King will be the ultimate controller of the game. All players may suggest moves, but the King must decide who will take the turn. At the start of your team’s turn, you have 3 minutes to discuss your strategy and take your turn. Any longer and you will forfeit it. Once the King has decided what action will be taken, one token can take their move. All players must state which ‘token’ they will be present in. The player may move, take an action and take a bonus action. You cannot ‘inhabit’ more than one token per turn. When inhabiting a token, you feel as if you were really standing there. You are able to do anything you like as if you were standing there. In your team’s turn, one piece may:Move
You must move according to the rules of the piece you are representing. If you are hasted, you may make 2 of those equivalent movements. Each square on the board is 5ft of movement. If your token can move more than one space in a turn, your movement may be before, after or split by your actions. Attacking and taking pieces If you wish to remove a piece from the board and occupy its place, you must attack it and reduce it to zero hit points. You must attack according to the directional rules of your token. However, area effects and cones still apply. For melée attacks, you must be in an adjacent square. For ranged attacks, you may attack first and then move. If you reduce the opponent to zero hit points, you must move to occupy their square. You cannot attack the King, only ‘threaten’ him. If you try, your attack will fail. If the King is caught in the edge of a spell or crossfire, he will take no damage. If you are attacked, you will take damage. If you drop to zero hit points, then that token will disappear from the board. If all the tokens you represent are killed, you are eliminated from the game. However, this is a team effort, and should your team win despite your elimination, you will still receive credit. If you MoveAttack, your movement and attack must be in the same direction.Winning
Your team wins the game when the King is threatened and cannot move out of that threat, or fails to defend himself for one round under that threat. This is not simply a game of winning or losing. We are watching for you display all of the skills you have been tested for so far as well as your intellect and wisdom. Demonstrate all of these well, and a defeat may still be noble and earn you your passage.Cheating Cheating is acceptable, but be wise and unseen. Being seen may bring consequence.
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