
On the west coast of Aradeia, about three day marches from Camorand, lies Ereton, a small town by the water. Its inhabitants are known to be free folk from all walks of life and species, finding their expertise in the field of survival and stealth. Some might even claim it is the home town of some of the most well-known rogues and merchants fo all time. Due to their position on Aradeia's grounds, they are often hit by high waves, close to tsunamis, and thunderstorms that destroy flora and fauna beyond. The inhabitants adapted to its rough surroundings, building firmer walls, strong roofs, and even housing for their farming. Their technological prowess often intrigued dwarves from Dânmaer, encouraging the immortal folk to travel far and explore parts of the Wilderness. Ereton is quite welcoming, even if not as welcoming as Camorand is. It is an ally of Lorla and defines itself as a city state, not minding that they are too small to justify that title. Most Eretonians understand themselves as advocates of handiwork and pride themselves to be masters of crafts of all kind. They love trading handmade goods and gadgets against fruit and vegetables, meats and leather. Only few animal species have managed to adapt to the rough environment of Ereton, but those that did, are native to the coast and wouldn't be able to populate anywhere on the mainland. Generally speaking, Ereton has a rich culture with a serious undertone. Apart from their lives based on craftsmenship and supporting each other through hardship, they dedicate their lives to honour the nature surrounding them, hoping that their prayers will help them being granted their gods' mercy.   Some Aevans were taken from Ereton and reached enlightenment after publishing blueprints of their accomplishments. They still care about their hometown and often send blessings to its citizens, knowing that these will lessen the number of catastrophies that befall the region.

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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