Fairo (Common)

In Lorla, the Wilderness and in across-border conversation, the lingua franca Fairo is the one to use. Since Elvish and Dwarvish are nearly exclusively spoken in the immortal kingdoms, Fairo is the language that connects all the countries and areas. Even the chaotic Wilderness agreed to use Fairo as their language of reference and ruling, enabling tourists to trade with the people settled in its villages and camps. Fairo is a combination of human speech (comparable to English and Esparanto) and different slangs, dialects and scientific terminology of the other Omni languages (especially Orcish, Halfling speech, Faery speak, Gnomish and more). Marine Swiftfoot, a halfling linguist that is still active as a researcher at Lorla Cathedral, established an extensive dictionary of Fairo for general use. She compares Elvish, Dwarvish and Fairo in a separate research paper in which she discusses their similarities and overlapping features as well as the benefits and difficulties of each language concerning grammatical structure, their approaches to storytelling and their use in trade and battle. Due to her impressive knowledge and skill when it comes to the language types spoken in Aradeia, she has been a guest scholar in both Dânmaer and Sithaline and even spent time as a guest lecturer in Camorand City. She often resides in Camorand during the summer, open to visitors of all kinds.   Those interested in studying Fairo are welcome to join the language schools in each town in Lorla, as well as The Peacemaker's cathedral on Lorla Island. Also, Sithaline University and Dânmaer Academy encourage their students to take classes in Fairo if they haven't been taught the language by their families, since it's incredibly useful if they want to travel abroad someday. It's quite easy to learn and fun to interact with the different types of the Omni, especially if you ask them for their favourite words. The individual species included in the Omni all still have their native tongues, but many prefer to speak Fairo in public and use their mother tongue as a more intimate way of speaking at home and with their friends.

Geographical Distribution

Native speakers of Fairo are settled in Lorla and the Wilderness. Otherwise it is spoken in the main cities of the elven and dwarven kingdoms, especially in Camorand (due to its multicultural setup) and in the depths of Dânmaer due to the Glorious Tinkerers.
Spoken by

Cover image: by AI (artbreeder)