Mother/Father of the Loving Hearts

Mother and Father of the Loving Hearts are the highest ranks to achieve for a member of the Loving Hearts cult. Being a Mother or Father states that you are the most trusted and knowledgeable of your kind. It shows your prowess and authority over your community. When obtaining this title, you are entrusted with the safety and the organisation of the cult during all travels and meetups inside and outside of Lorla. You are obligated to secure food and drink, make sure that the equipment is intact. You need to organise the transport of religious merchandise and holy scripts; especially the recorded speeches of your patrons Sirgil and Jaelle. On rare occasions, you will be messaged by the patrons themselves. Sirgil and Jaelle are reported to be very caring and enthusiastic. They are glad to visit whoever is working in their name and promised during the first setup of the cult that they will protect their cult first, should another grounding happen.   Apart from their duties, people of this rank benefit from the loyalty and the skills of each and every member of the cult. They have the last word when it comes to the recruitment of new members and take on the job of a priestess or priest when members decide to get married. They usually have the finest robes of their cult and a slightly better tent and furniture to use.   Mothers and Fathers are trusted to deal with the education of the young and new members. They are seen as familiar figures for the children born into the cult and lead the diplomatic and economic discussions with people from outside.
The current Mother of the largest group of Loving Hearts is Mother Armonie, a human mage of Corcovah.
Religious, Special

Cover image: by AI (artbreeder)