The Arachnid Mobile

Several years after the Tinkerer's Guild was founded, a young lad with the name of Morgrin Fodrûn handed in a rather peculiar blue print of a new potential vehicle. Leader Konkôr Barbendt was sceptical at first, but after a few tests and creating a special little model that could climb up the shelters walls and ceilings, he presented Morgrin's findings to the public. The vehicle, which was supposed to complement the already existing automatic carriages, was based on arachnids and therefore explored caves and dungeons with the power of eight legs. Scaring the soul out of every person who had no idea what was coming for them during their trips to the caves, the arachnid mobiles were highly adapt in exploration and the retrieval of special samples of gemstones and below-surface plantlife. The dwarven society was appalled by Morgrin's invention at first, stating that the artificial arachnids could be abused for causing mayhem in and out of Dânmaer. They soon refrained from speaking up against Konkôr's decision as the largest of the arachnid mobiles retrieved the remains of the long-lost statue of Falogrin Velgenfork, a legendary dwarven king that lived in the first age, the discovery age, of Aradeia.   Nowadays, arachnid mobiles are commonplace in the cave systems of the Dwarves and the Dûngar elves in the mountain range. Queries to incorporate a tinier version into the everyday life of the mountain folk were quickly eradicated, since arachnophobia has become worse among dwarven citizens. Rumours state that Morgrin Fodrûn keeps arachnid mobiles of all sizes in his private home, making them his personal assistants. A particularly nosy delivery guy ventured to far on his private grounds and ran out screaming bloody murder as he saw a small horde of robotic spiders coming his way.

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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