The First Grounding

The First Grounding happened in the year 1167 during the Discovery Age (D.A.), also known as the first era of humanoids. During the Discovery Age, the remainders of the Old World were mostly forgotten, as the immortal races (Elves and Dwarves) inhabited the continent. Apart from the immortal races, there was a first trace of mortality developing in the shadows of the great Elven and Dwarven nations. As they colonised and conquered the lands, stripping away any signs of remaining civilisations, it became apparent that none of them wanted to share. The first Elven-Dwarven War started, culminating in the deaths of millions of immortal warriors, causing the continent to shatter. The Arcane Core was overcharged with energy, causing plant life and rocks to rip open the surface, destroying their accomplishments in mere moments. Hundreds of Elves and Dwarves crushed into the center of the continent, being ripped apart on the arcane core before becoming a part of it. The Eldest of the elves still remembers the first grounding and refers back to it as the first catastrophe. he explains that the first grounding created the Spiral and the Core Cave. Both places are incredibly important when it comes to surveilling the continent's state. He knows that some of the immortal races tried to flee the continent after what had happened, but only few were successful leaving the mainland. The seas surrounding Aradeia are incredibly difficult to maneuver and most wood isn't sturdy enough to overcome the difficulties at sea to cross over to the other continents.   After Aeva's enlightenment, future groundings were less effective in taking mortal and immortal lives alike. Aevan council members managed to save many of those that were destined to die in the catastrophes, leading the mortal races to grow in variety and number.

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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