The Love Letter

Foor thou will be the reeson my hart keeps beating. As I laid eyes upon thine beautie, I remembered why I sit upon my throne.
May thine glorie bring me back to the days of my youth and may thine lovelie lips bless me with the mercie of my ancestors.

As the dwarven king Stormgard sent his letter to the lightling Helen of Lorla, the beautiful maiden was struck with horror. Not only was she not a dwarf, she was millennias younger than her suitor. Merely her entering the dwarven kingdom would have been a farce, a call of blasphemy against her dwarven friends, since Arania, the queen, was still with her husband, pleasing and supporting him in every way.   Desperate, she made her way north, past the cathedral into the Wilderness, closely followed by Stormgard's soldiers. They were supposed to take her back to his castle. His plan? To lose his queen for good and instead claim Helen of Corcovah as his wife - a scandal that found no comparison. Helen made her way to Sithaline, merely escaping a group of soldiers that had been persecuting her. Finding refuge in the Elven kingdom, she finally faced the wrath of her suitor, hearing about his plans to claim her by force, if he must. He declared war against the Elves as the latter refused to cooperate and started his rampage. Millions of mortals and immortals alike fell under the reign of the Bloodthirst King. After decades of war, Helen eventually took her own life as she felt guilty for the deaths caused. She was taken to Aeva and is currently recovering from the trauma she endured during her lifetime. Stormgard himself was eventually found by Iomer, the Dûngar. His company of jesters and actors infiltrated the castle under the guise of entertainment. He killed him in cold blood. His crown remains with the elf to this day, making him the jester king of the Wilderness. Stormgard's son eventually took his throne. His mother Arania is still grieving, but his wife has taken the role of his advisor, making sure that he'll stay true to his word. Contrary to common belief, Stormgard's son doesn't have any reservations against Iomer. Rather, he has visited him in the Wilderness a few times, as a friend.


Originally, this letter was meant as a declaration of love from King Stormgard to Helen of Corcovah. The lightling maiden refused the proposal to join the king in Dânmaer and quickly seeked refuge in the North. Stormgard was enamoured with her beauty, but knew nothing about Helen as a person. He saw her at court during one of her travels to the Dwarven kingdom. She was a representative of the Cathedral of Lorla.
Text, Letter

Cover image: by Noah_Oowada


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