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Birth of the Four Beasts

According to surviving elven legends, the Four Divine Beasts were once one, singular entity, the Mother of Earth. She shaped the world, tending to it like a gardener tends to her flower patch.   However, the peace was not to last - a great darkness rose up from deep beneath the earth, spreading blight and plague over the land. The name of this creature was lost to the ages, thus the elves of today know him on as the Dark One. When his armies rose up to destroy the world the Mother had so carefully built, she herself descended upon the earth to fight alongside her children. The two gods clashed, resulting in calamity. Aradia was forever altered, with deep rifts and scars decorating its surface. It is believed that two pieces were split off from the main continent at the time - one became the Shadow Isle, where none have been able to go, and one drifted off into the ocean, never to be seen again. This lost island is referred to as Lemus by the elves and believed to the the promise land that they will once again reclaim one day to rebuild their lost empire.   The Mother had won, banishing the Dark One, but in doing so expended all her energies. As she lay dying among the forests of the vast empire of Elysior, she bemoaned having to leave her children all alone in the world. Thus, with the last of her living breath, she called forth four powers. From her breath came Virdant, the mustang spirit of freedom, growth, and nature. From her blood came Verminculo, the phoenix spirit of fire, passion, and life. From her tears came Ceruleae, the whale spirit of storms, magic, and the ocean. And finally, as the goddess' heart stilled, from the last drops of blood from her body came Alabastrum, the doe spirit of knowledge, death, and tranquility. Thus the Four Divine Beasts came to roam the world, forever keeping watch over it and its people, which their creator so loved.

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