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Cogadh, the Harbinger of War

The Angel of Desolation

The Prime Titan of War, Cogadh the Harbinger, also known as the Angel of Desolation, is the most well-known among the four Prime Titans. It is believed that he was once an angel, however contempt for mortal-kind and the divine preference towards them over the immortal and powerful angels left him bitter. His resentment led him to rebel against the other angels, killing a great number of them before he was forcefully excommunicated through divine intervention and placed him in a demi-plane prison. It is believed that Cogadh grew mad in his isolation, becoming the Prime Titan he is known as today. The demi-plane could not hold him forever, as he began to reach into the mortal plane to poison the minds of mortals with desire for blood and destruction.   It is believed that it was Cogadh that lured a number of goliath to leave their mountain homes and descend into the plains below. He had them drink humanoid blood and eat humanoid flesh, taking over their minds with war-hungry rage. Thus the orcs were born and were sent to wage havoc across the land. With every conflict, Cogadh's will grows stronger and the bindings on him grow weaker.   Cogadh is depicted as an angelic figure of a radiant male with long, flowing red hair. Clad in golden armor and a crown, he appears from a distance as some kind of divine creature of victory, however up close the image is quickly shattered. His hair, naturally a dark gold, appears red from the blood dripping from it. His armor is equally marred with bloody handprints of the mortals he has slain. The Titan's eyes are pitch black and behind his back are a pair of wings - one black and the other red. He has a robust, muscular build and is the most physically imposing of the Prime Titans. He rides upon his crimson horse, Ruin, and in his hand he carries the greatsword, Bringer of Ruin, which has the power to turn his enemies mad. Any who die while under the effect of Cogadh's rage will join his eternal legion.  

Divine Domains

War, conquest, domination, destruction


Cogadh carries the Bringer of Ruin, golden greatsword continually seeping blood. It's presence is enough to bring weak-willed creatures to their knees and inflict upon them a mad rage, causing them to turn on their allies. It is said that once the sword has tasted your blood, it can find you anywhere as long as you are on the same plane as it. 

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Cogadh seeks to free himself from his captivity. His faithful believe that any conflict waged over the material plane makes him stronger, and the larger the conflict, the more power he gains and the weaker his restraints grow. It is told that when Cogadh finally breaks loose of his chains and enters the material plane, he will call upon his legion and wage war on the entire plane, destroying all who do not follow him. This will bring about the end of the world as we know it.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Third comes the crimson knight, fallen from the grace of Heaven. His crimson horse does shudder the ground beneath its hooves, and the Ruin does awaken to the anticipation of a slaughter. And what a slaughter it will be! A war waged over the world, blood and death and carnage seeping into the very foundation. His Legion will grow with every soul consumed by the Ruin. So will the Angel of Desolation enter this world.    -- excerpt from The Prime Titans and the End of the World by Wilfried Yolk
Divine Classification
Prime Titan

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