Ospatris Material in Aradia | World Anvil
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Also known as Bones of the Forebearers, this is the name given to the unique material from which the Angels' Relics are made. The material continues to evade exact identification of current-day researchers and philosophers, despite countless examinations, both physical and magical.   Though at first believed to be metal, the material is more akin to light-weight dragonbone. There are some similarities with humanoid bone as well, though several of the material's key properties (namely its density, durability, and magical conductivity) are similar to some kind of metal.

History & Usage


No records survive to indicate how the Archangels found, created, or came to possess the weapons, thus it is impossible to ascertain their true origins. First mentions of the Relics depict them as 'reflecting the light in a way no steel weapon can', though people at the time still believed that the weapons were made from some kind of magically-enhanced metal. One popular theory postulated that it was steel ingrown with Anallusite crystal and reinforced with magic on the exterior to allow for the weapon to be wielded without being affected by Anallusite poisoning. This theory was based on the organic nature of the Relics despite their metal-like properties, as well as their high magical potential. Though this was later proven to be untrue, the theory fueled research into Anallusite smithing that would lead to the development of Anallusite Infusions, a highly experimental and still much-contested weapon-smithing technique that makes use of raw Anallusite veins in order to 'infuse' a weapon with organic, magical matter. To date, all attempts to use this method to replicate the properties of Ospatris or the Relics made of it have been met with overwhelming failure.   Further investigation by the Magic Investigation Department at Baegonae Academia revealed that there was no trace of Anallusite inside the relics (at least, in the relics that have been been uncovered so far). In fact, limited attempts to study the way the Lance of the Holy Maiden, Vagharshapat, interacts with Anallusite showed that the ore is repelled by Ospartis, or vice-versa. Anallusite placed directly onto Ospartis appears to undergo a violent reaction and calcifies. This reaction has not been replicated with any other material.   To date, Ospartis has been found only in the Angels' Relics. Smiths of the Baegonae Academia have made requests to break off small sections of the existing Relics, however all such ideas have been aggressively vetoed by the Church of Aidios. In the year 854 P.A., High Priestess Elianna issued a decree preventing any further research from being performed on the Relics, for fear of them being damaged. This decree has been contested several times throughout the following years, however objections were vetoed every time by the Church's authority.


Law & Regulation

By the decree of the Church of Aidios, undisclosed possession of an Angel's Relic is illegal. Attempting to break a Relic for its material components is a crime equivalent to desecration of a temple or assaulting a member of the Church. On the black market, a single vial of powdered Ospartis (or a fingernail-sized solid sample) could go for 500,000 platinum coins, while delivering such a sample to the Red Masks would pay 750,000 platinum and a favor from their mysterious leader. In the year 1005 P.A., a con artist going by the name Erdlan Foley claimed to possess a 1kg chunk of Ospartis, which he allegedly found deep within the Abyss Chasm. He demonstrated his find to select professionals on the black market, behind closed doors, and they confirmed that it is indeed high-quality Ospartis. Foley then held an auction to sell off the entire chunk, with the caviat that the purchaser would only see the product after the transaction was complete. Because the quality of the Ospartis was already verified by 'trusted professionals', the bidding war (which lasted seven days) reached as high as 10,900,666 electrum lilies. It was purchased for this price by an individual calling themselves Barrow the Red. Immediately after shaking hands with his client and receiving the money, Erdlan Foley left Belledance. He was last seen purchasing a ship and crew in the Jurai Province, after which he took off towards the Shadow Isles. He was never seen again after that. Three days later, careful investigation by agents of Barrow the Red revealed that the purchased Ospartis was, in fact, a chunk of dragon bone melted into a sheet of metal. The 'professionals' that verified the sample behind closed doors were revealed to have never even seen the Ospartis, as they were simply paid off by Foley. This incident remains famous among merchants, with the phrase 'made off a Foley' often being used to mean 'someone who tricked everyone and made off rich'.   The chunk of faux Ospartis was later purchased by Baegonae Academia and displayed in one of their buildings, where it remains to this day.
One of the Angels' Relics, the shield Aegis, made entirely out of Ospatris. Currently wielded by Lady Marigold, Right Hand to Lady Alabaster of the Divine Order of Alabaster Knights.
Legendary (unique)
3500 kg m−3
Common State

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