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Vhaidra, the Swift Justice

Vhaidra is the goddess of justice, government, and punishment. She is a member of the Old Gods, who are worshipped by the dragonborn of Aradia. She is an official deity in the Bryonian Empire. She acts as the executioner of the will of the Old Gods. One of her duties is to uphold the rules established by Wyldarrl's contracts. It is believed that not even the gods can escape her sword if her cause is just, however those who have done no wrong have nothing to fear from her blade.   Vhaidra is blind - so as to prevent her from being biased - but she is able to navigate in space without difficult regardless. It is believed that Wyldarrl, having seen Vhaidra's power and drive for justice, feared that her passion would turn to madness if she is ever forced to choose between justice and kinship. He poured molten gold into her eyes, thus blinding her. The gold burned a path from her eyes to her heart, thus forming a barrier that forever stops her from getting truly attached to anything.


Vhaidra works directly with Wyldarrl, who informs her of any that breach one of his divine contracts so that she may judge and deliver punishment as appropriate. By virtue of her position, she maintains a degree of distance from the rest of the gods, as she cannot afford to allow sentiment to cloud her judgement should they come to be at the end of her sword. She does, however, hold a special resentment towards Hydaelinn, whose chaotic nature directly contradicts her lawful one. However, his skill in subterfuge has allowed him to thus far avoid her blade. Her most contemptuous relationship, however, is with Mór-Erghain, the goddess of deceit and lies, who tricked Vhaidra into letting go of the soul of Eriand'r, giving rise to the first vampires.


Vhaidra is depicted as a shimmering black dragon with smooth, black scales. Her eyes are covered over by her scales. She is able to manifest blades made of pure energy that can smite down even the gods.   When carrying justice among mortals, she is believed to adopt the form of a black-haired woman with gouged out eyes (some depictions show her wearing a mask or a red scarf over her eyes). She carries a sword in one hand and one of Wyldarrl's golden scales in the other. She roams the world, following the tip of the scales, until she finds a soul that tips the scales too far. When she finds such a soul, she releases it from its earthly body.

Followers of Vhaidra

The Divine Scales.

The branch of the Bryonian triumvirate that presides over jurisdiction. Separate from the governing body and the military force, they maintain neutrality in all affairs and judge both political and civilian crimes. It is believed in some circles that to become a curator for the Divine Scales, one is subjected to both rigorous training and a ritual that removes their capacity to feel emotions. This rumor is neither confirmed nor denied by the Bryonian officials. Members of the Divine Scales are furthermore not permitted to have families. Their identities are hidden so they are unable to be approached or bribed outside of working hours, and they wear blindfolds during court proceedings to avoid bias. Some of the most dedicated followers of Vhaidra go as far as to voluntarily remove their eyes to further avoid being affected by the outside world.

The Raven Wings.

The Raven Wings - or "legal assassins", as they are called in common circles - are a shadow organization known to pursue justice over those who have evaded the legal system. They operate on an extremely rigid scale of morality and are only allowed to kill when they have in their possession a legal contract for an individual's life. Their authority is accepted in many nations across Aradia, though the exact reasons for this are unknown. Anyone can ask the Raven Wings for their assistance - as long as they can pay the price - but such requests are a heavy burden. Should the Raven Wings discover any falsehood in the contractor's testimony, they will exact their judgement on the contractor instead - and they always find out.

Divine Domains

Justice, judgement, divine punishment, charity, luck, government, rightful vengeance, retribution, morality, and punishment. The patron of kings and tyrants alike.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral

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