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Wyldarrl, the Keeper of Chains (wɪl-DARL)

Wyldarrl, the Keeper of Chains, is the deity of order, law, the sun, gold, and balance. According to the mythology of the Old Gods, it was Wyldarrl that wrote the Leges Mundi (Laws of the World), which dictate the way gravity, physics, and other fundamental forces work on the material plane - including the cycles of life, death, and the afterlife. As the oldest of the Old Gods, Wyldarrl is often regarded as the most powerful and the most important, although his actual followers preach that they, as well as their divine sovereign, are but observers and keepers of the world order.   Wyldarrl is the oldest known Drakith, and as such was created in the image of Anankos by his wife, Naya. It is believed that when breathing life into him, Naya was gazing upon the sunrise, which colored everything around it in a golden hue. As a result, Wyldarrl's features carry a hint of gold, with one of his divine abilities being able to create gold in any form. As the oldest, he was often tasked with watching over his siblings and mediating their many disputes, a task that Wyldarrl found rather tiring. When Naya and Anankos' arguments began to get out of hand and affect the world - leading to the Great Planar War - Wyldarrl, then barely an adult himself, wrote up the document that would later be called Leges Mundi (Laws of the World). In it, he outlined the roles that life and death (the aspects of his parents, respectively) on the Material Plane, as well as how the fundamental forces would act upon it. By the will of the Eternals, the words he wrote onto the document became true, and thus was forged the first contract of the world.   Together with his siblings, Wyldarrl established the Drakkenheim Empire and oversaw the legal matters within it as part of his duties on the Council of Dragons. It is believed that during this time he began working on the construction of the Archive of Law, Wyldarrl's personal domain that kept record of all contracts ever forged in Aradia. Following the Massacre of Eisenhardt, he was one of the thirteen members of the Council that led the effort against the Obsidian Scourge. He was in charge of the Apocalypse Prevention Team being dispatched to stop the return of the Four Harbingers of the End Times, an action that he regrets to this day due to the outcome. When Naya intervened to prevent the Scourge from destroying the material plane, Wyldarrl was the first to open the vote for the Drakith leaving the material plane for good. He had not been seen since the exodus of the Old Gods, believed to reside in his domain. However, clerics granted power by the Keeper of Chain, while rare, do occasionally still appear.

Divine Domains

Order, law, the sun, gold, and balance

Holy Books & Codes

Leges MundiArchive of Lawincomprehensible

Tenets of Faith

  1. The rules of the law are to be followed. They can be changed through discussion, through proper channels, but breaking them is tantamount to breaking a contract. Respect the law and the law will respect you.
  2. The world functions in a certain way to maintain balance. This balance - and the laws and maintain it - are to be respected and maintained. Breaking the laws of the material world is an attempt to destroy the world itself.
  3. Gold, earned through lawful means, is a sign of the divines smiling upon you. Strive every day to bring enough effort into the world to earn the gold you earn.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  1. Maintenance of laws of nature in the world. Prevention of extraplanar forces from interacting with the material plane in a way that would destroy the balance.
  2. Keeping record of all the contracts made on the material plane, watching over their completion, and punishment of those who violate their contract.
  3. Preventing the other divines from interacting with the world in a disruptive manner. Keeping all those involved in the signing of the Laws of the World adherent to their contract.

Physical Description

Body Features

During the rise of the Drakkenheim Empire, the Keeper of Chains presented himself as a human in his early thirties. He had long, brown hair with a golden sheen, gold eyes, speckles of golden scales, and antler-like horns that he occasionally decorated with simple gold jewelry.   During the Obsidian Scourge War, Wyldarrl also appeared as a humongous golden dragon, with antler-like horns reminiscent of his humanoid form's.   In artistic depictions and religious textsts, Wyldarrl has been depicted as a glasses-wearing human or half-elf with golden eyes, wearing velvet robes with silk thread, often holding a tome or the Scale of the World. He is also sometimes drawn with golden hair or golden horns, or in light armor made from golden dragon scales. Alternatively, he is depicted as a golden dragon sitting on a large pile of gold, holding a scroll in his claws. Some depictions of the dragon also add a monocle on his face.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations

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