Kylana Character in Aradia | World Anvil


Kylana (a.k.a. The Shaper)



Quick and Efficient Speech: Kylana speaks rapidly and with efficiency, often using simple words to convey complex ideas. Her no-nonsense communication style reflects her practical nature and her need to make quick decisions during her adventures.
Forthrightness: She is known for her straightforward and forthright demeanor. Kylana does not hesitate to speak her mind or express her opinions, making her a reliable and honest companion in most situations, despite her tendency to bend the truth when necessary.
Scrutinizes Machinery: When presented with a mechanical device or intricate contraption, Kylana's eyes light up with curiosity. She examines such items with great attention to detail, often murmuring to herself as she assesses their condition or functionality.
Patience with Wingnut: While Kylana can be impatient with malfunctioning machinery, her demeanor changes when interacting with her mechanical companion, Wingnut. She displays a gentle patience and tenderness when caring for or repairing her cherished automaton friend.
Fidgety Gestures: Kylana has a habit of fidgeting and making subtle gestures, especially when deep in thought or strategizing. Her hands might constantly move, adjusting tools in her pockets or unconsciously gesturing to emphasize a point.


Quick and Efficient: Kylana is known for her rapid and efficient way of speaking. She values brevity and often chooses simple words to convey her thoughts and ideas, making her communication style straightforward and to the point.
No-Nonsense Approach: Her speech reflects her no-nonsense approach to life and her work. She doesn't waste words and prefers getting straight to the heart of the matter. This directness can be an asset in her adventures, where quick decisions are often crucial.
Problem-Solving Language: When faced with challenges or complex mechanical problems, Kylana's speech takes on a problem-solving tone. She may discuss potential solutions, technical details, and strategies with clarity and precision.
Resourcefulness: Kylana's speech may also reveal her resourcefulness. She might share insights into how to make do with limited resources or offer creative solutions to unexpected obstacles.
Honesty and Deception: While she generally values honesty, Kylana is not above bending the truth when it serves her purposes or makes her narrative more compelling. Her speech can be deceptively convincing when she needs it to be, although her tendency to scratch her right arm when lying can be a telltale sign.
Expressive Communication: In moments of excitement or discovery, Kylana's speech becomes more animated and expressive. Her metallic-gold eyes may light up as she shares her enthusiasm for a new invention or a fascinating discovery.
Mechanical Jargon: When discussing machinery or technical matters, Kylana's speech may include specialized mechanical jargon. She is well-versed in the intricacies of gears, contraptions, and automata, and she can explain these concepts with expertise.

Kylana is an adventurous mechanic with a practical, no-nonsense approach to life. Her quick and efficient speech style reflects her resourcefulness, while her metallic-gold eyes hint at her fascination with machinery. Kylana is known for her honesty, but she's not above bending the truth when it suits her. Her mechanical companion, Wingnut, is her constant ally in her pursuit of discoveries in the world of steam and gears.

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Metallic-gold eyes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive skin


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