The Enchanted Emporium Building / Landmark in Aradia | World Anvil

The Enchanted Emporium


Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
Blade of Arcane Fury A longsword that crackles with magical energy, dealing extra damage on a critical hit. Very Rare 5,000 gp
Scepter of Spellweaving A staff that allows the wielder to cast spells from any class's spell Ring once per day. Legendary 50,000 gp
Stormcaller Bow A bow that can summon lightning to strike its targets, dealing extra damage on a hit. Rare 2,500 gp

Armor and Accessories

Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
Mantle of Invisibility A cloak that grants its wearer invisibility for up to 1 minute per day. Rare 3,000 gp
Amulet of Spell Reflection An amulet that reflects one spell per day back at its caster. Very Rare 10,000 gp
Ebonplate Armor Heavy plate armor that grants resistance to necrotic damage and allows the wearer to speak with the dead. Rare 4,500 gp

Wondrous Items

Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
Evershifting Bag A bag of holding with the ability to change its size to accommodate any item. Uncommon 800 gp
Ring of Elemental Mastery A ring that allows the attuned user to control an elemental once per day. Very Rare 12,000 gp
Crystal of Timekeeping A crystal that grants the user limited knowledge of future events. Rare 3,500 gp

Rings and Jewelry

Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
Ring of Fey Familiar A ring that allows the wearer to summon a fey creature to assist them. Rare 2,800 gp
Earrings of Mind Shielding Earrings that protect the wearer's thoughts from detection and intrusion. Uncommon 500 gp
Bracelet of Teleportation A bracelet that allows the wearer to cast teleportation spells once per day. Very Rare 15,000 gp


Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
Crystal Ball of Scrying A crystal ball that grants the ability to scry on distant locations or individuals. Rare 4,000 gp
Quill of Infinite Ink A quill that never runs out of ink and writes in any language the user desires. Uncommon 200 gp
Cloak of Elemental Resistance A cloak that grants resistance to a chosen elemental damage type. Very Rare 8,000 gp


Item NameDescriptionRarityCost
The Celestial Crown A legendary crown that grants the ability to call upon celestial powers and smite foes. Artifact N/A
The Voidblade A legendary sword that can cut through the fabric of reality and banish foes to other planes. Artifact N/A

Purpose / Function

The intended purpose of The Enchanted Emporium is to serve as a marketplace for the acquisition and exchange of magical items, relics, and curiosities. While it primarily deals in magical wares, it also offers services such as appraisals, enchantments, and the identification of mysterious items. Its original purpose has remained consistent throughout its existence.


Over the centuries, The Enchanted Emporium has undergone various magical alterations to expand its interior space. These enchantments allow the building to house a vast collection of magical artifacts, even though it appears small from the outside. Additionally, Elandra has created hidden vaults accessible only through specific magical phrases, ensuring the security of her most prized possessions.


The building's architecture is a blend of mystical and whimsical elements. From the outside, it resembles a quaint, two-story Tudor-style cottage, complete with timber framing and a thatched roof. However, upon entering, visitors are greeted by a sprawling interior filled with countless shelves, display cases, and dimly lit corners. The walls of The Enchanted Emporium are constructed from enchanted stones that subtly change color with the phases of the moon, creating an ever-shifting ambiance within the store.   The building's entrance is adorned with an ornate, magical doorframe that constantly shimmers with ethereal lights. The interior is illuminated by floating, softly glowing orbs that guide customers through the labyrinthine aisles. Shimmering tapestries and exotic rugs line the walls, each imbued with protective spells and illusions to deter theft.   The overall effect is an enchanting and mystical atmosphere that draws customers deep into the Emporium, where they can explore its magical treasures and discover hidden wonders.  
Exterior Description: As you approach the heart of the bustling city of Austinch, you come upon a modest, charming cottage that seems almost out of place amidst the surrounding buildings. The exterior of the building is a picturesque sight – a two-story Tudor-style structure with a thatched roof that seems straight out of a storybook. Vines adorned with radiant, multi-hued flowers cascade down the sides, framing the cottage in vibrant splendor.   However, what truly catches your eye is the intricately carved, enchanted doorframe that marks the entrance. The frame shimmers with a subtle, ever-changing dance of colors, casting a mystical aura that beckons you closer. A small, wooden sign hangs beside the entrance, bearing the words "The Enchanted Emporium" in elegant, flowing script.   Interior Description:   Upon stepping through the doorframe, you find yourself in a realm of enchantment and wonder. The interior of The Enchanted Emporium defies the laws of space and logic. What appeared as a modest cottage from the outside has transformed into an expansive, seemingly endless expanse within.   Countless shelves, display cases, and nooks stretch out before you, each brimming with magical items of every conceivable kind. Floating, softly glowing orbs illuminate the space, casting a warm, inviting glow that dances off the polished marble floor. The walls, constructed from enchanted stones, shift in color with the phases of the moon, painting the interior in an ever-changing spectrum of hues.   Shimmering tapestries adorned with mythical creatures and exotic rugs line the walls, their intricate patterns mesmerizing the eye. As you explore further, you notice that the layout of the Emporium seems to shift subtly, leading you deeper into its mysteries.   The air is filled with the faint hum of arcane energies, and a soothing, ethereal melody plays softly in the background. Shelves are laden with peculiar and fascinating artifacts – ornate masks that seem to whisper secrets, crystal balls that reflect distant realms, and ancient tomes bound in enchanted leather.   This is a place where the mundane and the magical coexist, and the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. Elandra the Enchantress herself, an enigmatic figure with a gaze that seems to see through your very soul, stands behind a grand counter, ready to assist you on your journey into the world of enchantment.
Shop, Magic


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