

the gallard are the first species to have been born on aradium, they where born by the excess of magic on the newly formed world of aradium. they where small hunch humanoid with gray rock like skin they had a huge variety of eye color due to their high affinity to magic they are 4f 3in for the male and 4f for the female, they lived for thousand of years due to the lack of other living things they didnt need to eat as they took their nourishment from the mana that surrounded them. in the early day they didnt really have a written script born telepath they simply didnt need one at first the race was united living in mega city's sharing without gods to worship they worship the nature that surround them living off what the land gave them its not until the first gods came that the galard socieity began to crumble the more the god try to gain fevor the more conflict pop up everywhere it eventually led to the great holy war
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