kara y'ul

their was once a legend pass around the city's of enock, it talk about a great beast that roam the province a long time ago, he was name the black fate it was believe that kara y'ul was the last black dragon of the new continent he was incredibly old and had a wild temperament he cause so much damage that the only city left was those built underground at the time those sent to deal with him where never see again.   

the black fate      

during the time he was known as the black fate kara y'ul killed more then two million humanoid every city he passed over was left in ruined during is time as the black fate a cult formed in is name they saw him as the world ender this cult grew big in the desertic region as they try to direct his anger on others how ever kara y'ul grew tired of them and annihilated them along side the others. eventually one of the church grew tired of his rempage they sent two of their ascended to kill him the battle was legendary but the two ascended where no match one of them was killed and the other was gravely injured kara y'ul was only lightly injured, but he retreated so he could be forgotten and return for more destruction.  


he waited four hundred years before making his appearence again from the moment he return he knew something was wrong he started by enock when he survey the province he saw only few city's as he try to attack one of the coastal city he was stop by a strange figure an was forced to flee. the second time he try to go for a city the same figure try to stop him but this time kara y'ul was prepared and the figure was the one who flee as he lay low the city two figure apear before him and ingage him the battle was one for the history the battle lasted five day and night and kara y'ul was the one that lost gravely wounded he flee to the south east the two figure hot on her tail she was not seen again.