
The largest city in the region of Eithur is Isondale. The city resides on the coast of Savadeen Deep, a large sea which was named for an ancient city which was raised by a red dragon. Those that survived built Isondale. Ison was the name of a retired Paladin that led the cause of rebuilding a new city, and headed the first Council of Five that ruled over the city.  

The Council of Five

  The Council of Five governs the city affairs of Isondale and consists of five elected officials. Those officials can be of any race, proficiency, etc. They have to be considered "adults" by their race and culture, but otherwise most can "campaign" to be elected to the council.  

Council of Five Members:

  Lord Theron "The Dragon" Sylvanranth   Baron Delacroix "The Blowfish" Carp   Arlo Tyne   Reginald Theros VI  

Officers of the City

  Warden Sicarias: Captain of the Holy Order of Tyr.   Stella Fortnight: High Priestess of Shar.

Isondale's History

  Two hundred years ago the fishing town of Savadeen was a fairly small town, but larger than your typical village. It had a meager port that was frequented by fishing vessels of all types and merchants. It was prospering, and growing, but that was going to come to an end. The ancient red dragon, Eithureinth, Lord of the Skies became enraged when a group of "dragon slayers" entered his home in the Wyrm Mountains and slain his family.   Eithureinth took flight, after slaughtering the invaders, and immediately ransacked the region destroying most major cities, and paid particular attention to what used to be Savandeen. He raised the port town to such an extint that those few that survived and rebuilt did not dare rebuild it as the "same" city.

Isondale Laws


Civil rights

  1. Every citizen has the right to live, freedom, property and speech.
  2. Every citizen has the right to a fair trial.
  3. Every citizen has the right to bear arms & protect themselves & their loved ones & their property.

Criminal Law

  1. You shall not murder. This crime shall be punished by a heavy fine, prison time or even death.
  2. You shall not steal. This crime shall be punished by a fine or prison time.
  3. Slavery is strictly prohibited.
  4. Drug use/sell is restricted to licensed facilities.
  5. Escorts and similar services are restricted to licensed facilities.

General Laws

  1. All magic users will register w/Mage Tower.
  2. Arcane magic casters are not allowed to cast spells of level 3, or higher without being a member of the mage tower.
  3. All divine casters are required to register with a temple.
  4. Divine casters are not allowed to cast spells of level 3, or higher without being a member of the mage tower.
  5. Magic users that will be in Isondale less than 5 days do not have to register, but are not permitted to cast spells of any type.

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