
Sshuksa is a greater deity whom the Yuan-ti and other reptilian creatures worship. She is chaotic evil and is typically seen as a large serpent creature. She currently holds the domains for traps, poison, and murder which ensures that some rogues, thieves and similar types of individuals will opt to worship her. Her symbol is a snake slithering across a shield.

Clerics of Sshuksa

  Yoweth Vyklade - High Priest   Vyklade - Priest   Svataril - Acolyte   The temples of Sshuksa have one high priest that runs the temple, and then many lower ranked individuals that are simply priests known as Vyklade. New initiates into the priesthood are called Svataril, or acolytes.

An Old Children's Story

  Long ago, there were humans who used rituals to make themselves stronger thus transforming them into the Yuan-Ti. Many of those who undertook these magics became corrupted, evil monsters who only looked to harm the world around them. One of these monsters stood out above the others for their cruelty and malice. He had no problems using men, women, or even children as materials for his dark arts. An immortal and evil wizard named Ornatus Crotalus!   It is said that when children are disobedient to their parents or don't go to sleep when they are told, it sends signals to Ornatus' scrying machine and he can see where the naughty ones are and get them in the night!!!   Now, Mommy and Daddy love you very much and don't want you to go missing so you need to go to sleep. We will protect you from the evil wizard and make sure you're safe!   -A memory from Severus' youth-


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