Mon, Feb 27th 2023 02:57   Edited on Thu, Apr 20th 2023 02:13

Helping the little guy.

Fip leaves the meeting and looks for Intern Shaesira Misttop to get him to start a new charity group. Fip tell Misttop that Fip knows a lot of people have been hurt by all the feral gnomes in the area. He recounts the story of the other village that they just helped that was being plagued by them. Misttop agrees this is a need for the area because of many people have been hurt by gnomes. He tells FIp about a local cleric named Horos Cloudheart who had lost a ear to a feral gnome once. Fip gives Misttop 50gp and asked if Misttop can to talk to Cloudheart about starting up a support group for those hurt by feral gnomes and to spread the word that LRMD is behind this support group and is looking for local partnerships to advance the cause.
Thu, Apr 20th 2023 02:13   Edited on Thu, Apr 20th 2023 02:15

Fip hands the money over to the intern and after a few more words, the two part ways to go about their business. Misttop, for the most part a trustworthy intern, held tightly to the coin as he made his way about town. Horos Cloudheart, who was normally at the temple, seemed to be harder than normal to find today. After several hours of searching, Misttop passed the tavern and his pace slowed. He looked through the dirty window into the room where a few patrons were drinking and eating. A few men in the corner seemed to be having a heated discussion and a sloppy looking man was hitting on the waitress, getting nowhere fast. The coins in his pocket tempted him for a moment, almost urging him to quinch his thirst and feed his hunger, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside and kept walking. "If I spend the coin now, I may not see tomorrow to eat or drink." he spoke out loud to himself. Along the way of finding the cleric, he asks around to see if anyone has had an encounter with feral gnomes. Those who have he takes their name and some notes about the encounter. Misttop was reading over his list of seven names, when a commotion caught his attention. He came on the scene just in time to see a local man grunting on the ground, a dead feral gnome a few feet away, and the very person he had been looking for all day, Horos Cloudheart. He rushed over, hoping that the cleric was ok. Thankfully, he was attending to the man who had been hurt. Once Cloudheart healed the man, whose name was Jasper, they gathered at Jasper's house just behind them. "Thank you again Cloudheart for coming to my aid. If you had not been there when you were, I would have surely died." Jasper said through thankful tears. Cloudheart smiled and nodded his head, "I'm just glad something told me to take a stroll today. I wanted to get out and check on a few friends. It's a shame what those terrible feral gnomes are doing to this great town." As if on que, Misttop remembered why he was there. Clearing his throat, he speaks up. "Actually Horos, I have been sent to find you and see if you would like to partner with LRMD in starting a support group for those who have been hurt by the feral gnomes." He nods towards the clerics missing ear. "I know that you have had issues with them in the past yourself. My employers thought that you might be willing to help with this cause." Cloudheart looks him over, considering his request. "Well, that sounds like a grand idea, but it takes money to get something like that started. Worthy causes are not built on feelings and dreams alone." Misttop digs into his pocket and pulls out the pouch of 50gp, handing it over to the cleric. "My employer thought that this would be a good start, a foundation for the group to be built upon. If we could find more local partnerships, then we could grow that and advance our cause. Take care of the feral gnomes and help the people who have been hurt. The families who lost parents and are struggling to make ends meet. Surely this is enough to get started?" Horos thinks it over and was about to speak when Jasper stands up and pulls a small rusty box from under a loose board on the floor. The squeak the floor made was almost comical, though not enough to break the tension of the moment. He thrusts the rusty box at Cloudheart, tears streaming from his eyes. "Please cleric...please.. take this and add it to whatever is in that pouch. It is all I have but I will give it to you if you swear to do what you can for this." Cloudheart opens the box, dumping the coins in his palm to count. Jasper only had 2gp 38sp to his name. "Jasper I..." But the man was not hearing the protests, he snatched the empty box from the cleric and put it back under the board. "No. I have said my peace. Do this, help them." and he walks out of his house and closes the door. For a moment, Misttop and Cloudheart just look at each other in disbelief. "The people need this, cleric. Let's make it happen." Horos Cloudheart looks at the coins in his hand, then to Misttop and nods.   SEVERAL DAYS LATER   The town has shown great support in raising money for the THBFGSG (Those Hurt By Feral Gnomes Support Group). Whenever Fip and his companions go about their day, they are often praised for their help of driving back the feral gnome infestation. A few small parties of local townsmen have formed up to thin out the gnomes, aided by the money to equip them with better weapons and supplies. The children who have lost their parents have been placed with those willing to take them in. A nearby village has heard of the THBFGSG and have donated food, clothing, supplies, and coin. Cloudheart presented Jasper with a new metal box containing 5gp. Jasper ugly cried on the clerics shoulder and even took in a set of twin boys orphaned by the gnomes. As the donations to the cause came in, the franchise was even able to skim an honorarium of 200gp.